
  1. 戴斌称,有超过45%的游客选择了东南亚国家。

    Over 45 percent of the travelers chose Southeast Asian countries , Dai said .

  2. 中国旅游研究院院长戴斌表示,中国夜间经济的发展潜力巨大。

    President Dai Bin of the China Tourism Academy said the development of China 's nighttime economy offers great potential .

  3. 本刊就相关问题,采访了中国旅游研究院副院长戴斌先生。

    We have interviewed Dai Bin , who is the sub dean of Chinese Tour Research Institute on the related questions .

  4. 戴斌表示,香港已失去了相对于其他目的地的优势,而这不仅是因为政治紧张或者当地人的敌意。

    Mr Dai says Hong Kong has lost its advantage over other destinations , and not just because of political tensions or hostility from the locals .

  5. 中国旅游研究院院长戴斌表示,大部分本土主题公园在设计、运营、维护等方面均不能满足公众需求,尤其缺乏文化创意。

    Dai Bin , president of China Tourism Academy , says most indigenous Chinese theme parks are unable to meet public demand in design , operation and maintenance , and are in particular lacking cultural creativity .

  6. 现在中国游客购物的种类变得更广,不仅仅是奢侈品,还包括日常必需品,戴斌表示,他们不再为炫富而购物,而是购买他们真正需要,值得花那样的价钱的东西。

    Chinese tourists now shop for a broader range of products , not just luxury goods but daily necessities , says Mr Dai . They no longer buy things to show off their wealth but things that they really need and are worth the price .

  7. 研究院院长戴斌表示,该研究院的监控数据显示,泰国、新加坡、越南、马来西亚、印尼和菲律宾这些国家,位居国人十一黄金周期间出境游的前十大热门目的地之列。

    Monitoring data from the academy showed that Thailand , Singapore , Vietnam , Malaysia , Indonesia and the Philippines are among the 10 most popular destinations for outbound travelers during the holiday from Oct. 1 to 8 , said Dai Bin , head of the academy .