
  • 网络Dayron
  1. 这跟戴龙罗伯斯和奥利弗情况不同。

    It is not the same for Dayron Robles and Oliver .

  2. 在韩国举行的田径世锦赛上&古巴人就奥运会冠军戴龙•罗伯斯被取消成绩一事的反申诉被驳回了。

    At the World Atheltics Championships in South Korea & A Cuban counter-appeal over the disqualification of Olympic champion Dayron Robles has been dismissed .

  3. 古巴明星戴龙•罗伯斯以13秒12的成绩稳获男子110米栏冠军,领先于牙买加的德怀特•托马斯和美国的詹森•理查森。

    Cuban star Dayron Robles won a tight men's110m high hurdles in a solid time of13.12 seconds ahead of Jamaica 's Dwight Thomas and Jason Richardson of the United States .

  4. 大邱世锦赛上,在原先的冠军得主古巴的戴龙•罗伯斯因为最后两个栏干扰了刘翔而在赛后被取消成绩之后,刘翔的铜牌升级为银牌。

    Liu was elevated to the silver medal at the World Championships in Daegu after initial winner Dayron Robles of Cuba was disqualified after the race for impeding Liu over the final two hurdles .