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  • 网络Deming;W. Edwards Deming;W.E.Deming;William Edwards Deming;PDCA
  1. 最年轻的一位获奖人是罗拉•戴明(LauraDeming)。

    One of the youngest is Laura Deming .

  2. 戴明的研究量化了这些类型的技能。

    Mr. Deming 's study quantifies these types of skills .

  3. PDCA循环是美国质量管理专家戴明博士提出的一种科学管理工作程序。

    PDCA Circulation is a type of scientific management working procedure proposed by American quality management expert Dr.

  4. 戴明温文如玉,喜爱音乐,是合唱团成员。

    Deming was a modest man who loved music and sang in a choir .

  5. 戴明以经济学中的比较优势概念,解释了这种现象。

    Mr. Deming explains it in terms of the economic notion of comparative advantage .

  6. 戴明的远见卓识使公司得以加强勘探并巩固了零售业务。

    Deming also had the foresight to pump up exploration and solidify the retail business .

  7. 像戴明和朱兰,汉弗莱似乎赢得更多的赞誉海外比在家里。

    Like Deming and Juran , Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home .

  8. 戴明用三条规则总结了自己的经营哲学:不要在最高价上收购资产;

    Deming sums up his operating philosophy in three rules : Don 't buy assets at the top ;

  9. 他曾受日本颁授的勋二瑞宝重光章,外国人获此殊荣,戴明为最高。

    He was awarded the order of the sacred treasure , second class , the highest Japanese award ever given to foreigners .

  10. 戴明指出,确定水的探测技术是发现类地行星的关键步骤,这种行星可能拥有水和其他与生命相关的重要分子。

    Nailing down the technique for the detection of water is a key step toward finding Earth-like planets that have water and other key life-related molecules , Deming said .

  11. 戴明和其他研究人员说,这可能是因为从婴儿期开始,传统上女性便拥有更强的社交洞察力、更高的情商,也更擅于与他人合作。

    That might be because , starting in infancy , females traditionally excel at things like social perceptiveness , emotional intelligence and working with others , Mr. Deming and other researchers say .