
  • 网络Makybe Diva;Makybe
  1. Tonya为什么不戴花耳环?

    Tonya , why don 't you wear your flower earrings ?

  2. 如果在衣服上戴花,你会选什么花?

    If you had to wear a flower on your shirt , which flower ?

  3. 春铁铸干玉戴花。

    Spring iron founds trunk and jade W.

  4. 连警察也在头上戴花。我说道,仿佛这证明了什么。

    Even the policemen wear flowers in their hair , I would say , as if that proved it .

  5. 花儿萎谢;但是戴花的人不必永远悲伤。

    The flower fades and dies ; but he who wears the flower has not to mourn for it for ever .

  6. 簪花、戴花是宋代的一种宫廷礼仪,又是宋词中常用的意象之一。

    Wearing and having on flowers in one 's hair is not only one of the etiquettes in the royal court in Song Dynasty , but also one of the images of Song Ci .

  7. 头戴苹果花的姑娘

    With apple blossom in her hair

  8. 而这些传统活动的最重要意义在于五朔节花桩,传统的舞者戴着花带围绕着它跳舞。

    Perhaps the most significant of the traditions is the May Pole , around which traditional dancers circle with ribbons .

  9. 他身着一件米色丝绸衬衫,头戴一顶花格子高尔夫球帽。

    He was wearing a cream silk shirt and a tartan golfing cap .

  10. 这是我高中毕业舞会戴的襟花,还有我犹太成年礼上剩的一块蛋糕。

    This is the boutonniere from my high school prom . A piece of cake from my Bar Mitzvah .

  11. 他穿着一件满是皱纹的灰色斜纹呢夹克,一条黑裤子,戴着一条花领带。

    He wears a rumpled grey tweed jacket , flowery tie and black trousers .

  12. 你戴着我的花?

    Is that my flower you 're wearing ?

  13. 她有五十来岁,穿着蓝绸子袄,头上戴着红石榴花,和全份的镀金首饰。

    Grandmother Chen herself was around fifty . She wore a blue silk jacket and red pomegranate flowers in her hair , in addition to a complete set of gold-plated jewellery .