
  1. 这是一种中国民间舞蹈,名叫扇子舞。

    It 's a kind of Chinese folk dance , called the fan dance .

  2. 一种类似扇子舞的独舞除了用泡沫代替扇子。

    A solo dance similar to a fan dance except large balloons are used instead of fans .

  3. “现在居民都参加了文化活动,我也想报名参加扇子舞队”。

    Now residents have participated in cultural activities , I would like to join fan dance team .

  4. 岸边大多是晨练的老人,他们专注地打着太极拳或欢快地跳着扇子舞。

    Most of the elderly shore morning exercise , they concentrate on playing the merry dancing tai chi or fan dance .

  5. 这个由女演员表演的扇子舞是来自泰国南部美丽迷人的舞蹈。

    Rabum Taree keepat this fan dance , performed by a female performer , is a sweet and beautiful dance from the southern part of thailand .

  6. 除公园内偶尔跳交谊舞或练习扇子舞的人群外,很难看到有人锻炼身体。

    Apart from the occasional groups of men and women gathering in the park to waltz or practice their fan-dance routines , it is pretty rare to see someone exercising for the sake of it .