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  1. GB/T4501-1998戴重汽车轮胎耐久性试验方法转鼓法

    Endurance test for truck and bus tyres Drum method

  2. 即使你乐于把一半的太阳镜都送人,还是会发现每个周末都可以戴不重样的

    You could quite happily give away half of your sunglasses collection and still have a pair for every weekend of the year 15 .

  3. 米德尔顿女士头戴三重冠并罩有面纱,手持来一小把花束,其中含有来自山谷的百合,典礼结束后,她将把它放在无名战士墓上。

    Middleton wore a veil held in place by a tiara and held a small bouquet containing lily of the valley , which she will place on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremony .

  4. 正式加冕礼时,戴的是非常重的镶有珍珠的穹形纯金圣爱德华王冠。

    Edward 's Crown , which is made of solid gold with pearl-studded arches .

  5. 如果经常戴的话,重的耳环会使你的耳垂凹陷,同时耳洞还会被拉伸以及导致变形。

    If worn too often , heavy earrings will make your lobes sag . They will also stretch the holes and deform them .