
  • 网络nam
  1. 南安襟山带海,风光秀丽,名胜古迹星罗棋布。

    Nam breasted mountain with the sea , beautiful scenery , monuments are spread all over .

  2. 我们竭诚欢迎海内外朋友到南安观光旅游、投资兴业、施展宏图、携手共进。

    We sincerely welcome friends from home and abroad Nam tourism , invest in and display their grand , hand in hand .

  3. 船停泊在南安普敦。

    The ship is berthed at Southampton .

  4. 他是南安普敦大学考古学课程导师。

    He is course tutor in archaeology at the University of Southampton

  5. 他被任命担任南安普敦大学的社会学教授一职。

    He has been appointed to the chair of sociology at Southampton University

  6. 他的进球使森林队以两球领先南安普敦队。

    His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton

  7. 南安普敦之行表明这辆车还是挺能跑的。

    A run to Southampton showed the car was capable of a reasonable journey .

  8. 从南安普敦转借来的戴维·斯皮迪为伯明翰进了他的第一球。

    David Speedie , on loan from Southampton , scored his first goal for Birmingham

  9. 基冈为南安普敦队踢了两个赛季,共上场68次,进球37个。

    Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton , scoring 37 times .

  10. 1970年,应他新任妻子的要求,他们搬到了南安普敦。

    In 1970 , at his new wife 's behest , they moved to Southampton

  11. 南安普敦队最终还是出乎意料地又一次获得了足总杯赛的胜利。

    Southampton had somehow managed to pull another Cup victory out of the hat .

  12. 南安普敦队在开场仅30秒后便凭理查德·肖的一记乌龙球获得领先。

    Southampton took the lead through a Richard Shaw own goal after only 30 seconds .

  13. 我们在南安普敦上岸。

    We landed at southampton .

  14. 设计者是来自汉普郡,南安普敦的游艇设计公司BMTNigelGee。

    The designer is BMT Nigel Gee , of Southampton , Hants .

  15. 一些乘客穿上了当时的服装,有些女乘客戴上了皮毛帽子,有些男乘客身穿西装,头戴圆顶礼帽,在英国南部海岸的南安普敦登上了这艘MS巴尔莫勒尔号游轮。

    Some donned period costume , including furs and feathered hats for women and suits and bowler hats for men , to board the MS Balmoral at Southampton on the southern English coast .

  16. 2007年8月17日,周五,21位华尔街上最具影响力的投资者在乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)位于纽约长岛(LongIsland)东端南安普敦的家中会面吃饭。

    On Friday , August 17 2007 , 21 of Wall Street 's most influential investors met for lunch at George Soros 's Southampton estate on the eastern end of Long Island .

  17. 以福建省南安至官桥公路工程可行性研究报告中国民经济评价数据为例,探讨了Excel链接工作簿功能和函数计算功能在国民经济评价中的应用。

    Taking national economy appraisal data of Nan'an ~ GuanQiao road project in feasibility research report as example , the books connection and calculation function of Excel in national economy appraisal are discussed .

  18. 在大西洋彼岸,streetcar在伦敦、布赖顿和南安普敦开展汽车共享业务,其合伙创始人安德鲁瓦伦丁(andrewvalentine)称,该公司已有6000个会员,而且每月新增750个会员。

    Across the Atlantic , streetcar , which operates in London , Brighton and Southampton , has 6000 members and is adding 750 each month , according to Andrew Valentine , co-founder .

  19. Shine集团的“每分钟生一个”,在2010年的时候作为一个关于婴儿产出的纪录片始于南安普敦,已经被卖给了美国,法国,西班牙和瑞典。

    Shine Group 's " One Born Every Minute ", which began in2010 as a documentary about a labour ward in Southampton , has already been sold as a format to America , France , Spain and Sweden .

  20. 南安邮电大厦高104.4m,设内径700mm的钢管混凝土柱22根,混凝土强度等级为C30、C40。

    Abstract The Nan ' an Post-Telecommunication Mansion has been designed with a height of 104.4 m and 700 mm diameter steel tube concrete columns of 22 in numbers .

  21. Harold和EleanorWaldorf的女儿,由NathanielArchibald相伴。plan:计划计划2013年成为耶鲁大学的一员,Southampton:南安普敦(英国港市)她将会继续在南汉普敦度过夏天,charity:慈善机关(团体)志愿奉献时间给儿童慈善机构。

    Blair Cornelia waldorf , Blair Cornelia Waldorf daughter of Harold and Eleanor waldorf , escorted by Nathaniel Archibald , Plans to be a member of Yale 's class of 2013 . she will continue to summer , in Southampton and volunteer her time , to children 's charities .

  22. 南安板鸭加工技术与质量控制

    The processing technology and quality of the Nanan pressed salted duck

  23. 闽南南安方言结构助词研究

    A Study on the Structural Auxiliary Words in Nan'an Minnan Dialect

  24. 南安市道路交通安全现状及对策分析

    Analysis of the Current Traffic Situations in Nan'an and Countermeasures

  25. 那天早上他们在南安普敦靠码头时天正下着雨。

    It was raining the morning they docked at southampton .

  26. 今大清晨,舰队正从南安普敦驶出。

    The fleet is sailing from Southampton early this morning .

  27. 高水平地应力的显现与成因分析&试论加拿大南安大略地区地应力的渊源

    Analysis on occurrence and origin of high horizontal in-situ stresses

  28. 这份出自南安普敦综合医院的研究,发表在《刺胳针》期刊上。

    The research from Southampton General Hospital is published in the Lancet .

  29. 以福建南安为例,对上述三种农村社区历史课程资源作简要分类。

    Taking the rural areas in Nan an of Fujian as an example .

  30. 南安邮电大厦钢管混凝土柱施工技术

    Construction technology for steel tube concrete columns in the Nanan POST-TELECOMMUNICATION Mansion Project