
dài lǜ mào zi
  • be a cuckold;be cuckolded;the husband whose wife has another love outside marriage
戴绿帽子 [dài lǜ mào zi]
  • [the husband whose wife has another love outside marriage] 比喻妻子有外遇的丈夫

戴绿帽子[dài lǜ mào zi]
  1. 他这辈子都得戴绿帽子吗?

    Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life ?

  2. 亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。

    Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold .

  3. 妻子给他戴绿帽子了。

    His wife had cuckolded him .

  4. 因为他妻子年龄比他小得多,他老是怕戴绿帽子。

    Since his wife was much younger than he , he was constantly afraid of being cuckolded .

  5. 我不想当戴绿帽子的傻瓜。

    Matt : I don 't wanna be a chump .

  6. 你就是让我戴绿帽子的文员?

    Were you the clerk that is to make me a cuckold ?

  7. 你也不管管你媳妇,就不怕戴绿帽子?

    You should keep your wife under control , aren 't you afraid of being cuckolded ?

  8. 这样,你可以放心地去找了,我也就不用戴绿帽子了!

    In this way , you can safely go , and I also do not have a son of a cuckold !

  9. 尸体显然曾保持着拥抱的姿势,但现在,永远的睡眠却比爱情更长久,战胜了由爱情产生的苦痛,并让他蒙受着戴绿帽子的恶名。

    The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace , but now the long sleep that outlasts love , that conquers even the grimace of love , had cuckolded him .

  10. 他最好的朋友给他戴了绿帽子。

    He was cuckolded by his best friend .

  11. 我从来没有让你戴过绿帽子。

    I never fooled around on you .

  12. 你相信她给他丈夫戴了绿帽子?

    You believe she cuckolded her husband ?

  13. 你爸爸戴了绿帽子。

    Your father 's a cuckold .

  14. 在另外两个对照组中戴“绿帽子”的比例没有变化。

    In the case of the two control groups , the level of cuckoldry remained the same .

  15. 普希金被自己戴了绿帽子的传言折磨得要疯了,于是他要求与德·安特斯决斗。

    Pushkin , driven mad by rumors that he was a cuckold , demanded a duel with D'Anthes .

  16. 他被戴上了绿帽子。

    He is made to wear a green hat .

  17. 但你也给他戴了半年的绿帽子所以

    And you cheated on him for six months , so