
  1. 只有内在素质和外在形式结合起来,才能真正体现人民警察礼仪的意义所在。

    Only immanent quality and explicit form union rise , ability reflects people police 's formal meaning be in truly .

  2. 试论馆员职业道德和礼仪的价值意义

    On value of the professional moral and politeness of the librarians

  3. 本论文较为详细地阐述了小学生礼仪教育的意义、内容和方法。

    This paper expresses in details about the meaning , content and approach of pupil 's etiquette education .

  4. 这一部分主要对蒙古族传统礼仪教育的选题意义进行了阐述。

    This section focuses on topics of Mongolian traditional etiquette education meaning is described .

  5. 《礼记》一书侧重于阐明中国古代礼仪的作用和意义。

    Book of Rites is a works that emphasizes particularly on interpreting action and meaning of propriety in ancient China .