
  1. "她的生日快到了,"我说,"我们给她个相册作为礼物吧。

    Her birthday is coming , I said , " Let 's make an album for her as a gift .

  2. 你的另一半也时不时给你买礼物吧?

    Does your partner give you gifts from time to time ?

  3. 给你们看看我带回来的礼物吧。

    I want to show you the gifts I brought back .

  4. 汉生:她在看生日礼物吧。

    Han Sheng : She must be enjoying her birthday presents .

  5. 我们凑钱给他买份礼物吧!

    Let 's chip in and buy him a gift .

  6. 这个算是分手礼物吧。

    I think this was his parting gift to me .

  7. 对了,这个行李箱里有送给我的礼物吧?

    Hey , this is the suitcase with my present , right ?

  8. 我们下去找找黄色的礼物吧。

    Let 's look for a yellow present down bellow .

  9. 送点儿符合他们口味的礼物吧,不管你到底喜欢不喜欢。

    Give them something suited to their sensibilities , whatever they are .

  10. 真的吗?我们给他买个礼物吧。

    Really ? Let 's buy a gift for him .

  11. 你要我就送他给你作礼物吧。

    If you need a tough guy , he 's all yours .

  12. 求求你,留下小马驹做个礼物吧。

    Please , keep the stallion as a gift .

  13. 给他们买份礼物吧,做比说重要。

    B : Buy them a gift . Actions speak louder than words .

  14. 你的家人都很喜欢你给他们带去的礼物吧?

    Is your family enjoying your gift and all ?

  15. 我们给山姆和艾米买礼物吧。

    Let 's buy presents for Sam and amy .

  16. 你经常给另一半买礼物吧?

    Do you regularly give gifts to your partner ?

  17. 准备面对你最棒的礼物吧。

    Get ready to see the best gift ever .

  18. 好,我们送她一份礼物吧。

    Yeah . we 'll give her a gift .

  19. 称不上是礼物吧

    You wouldn 't really call it a present .

  20. 孩子们起码可以送你一份实在的礼物吧?

    Well , can the kids at least get you a real gift ?

  21. 我们给老师送件礼物吧。

    Let 's send a present to our teacher .

  22. 卡洛斯:这不是给鲍伯和李的礼物吧!

    This wasn 't a gift for bob and lee , was it ?

  23. 好,拆礼物吧。

    Okay , just open your present . Okay .

  24. 就把这一堆小熊当作是上帝给我的圣诞礼物吧!

    These cute bears are Christmas gift from God , aren 't they ?

  25. 我们一起凑点钱为苏买一件生日礼物吧!

    Let 's all kick in and buy a present for Sue 's birthday .

  26. 精心挑选这样的礼物吧,一定大受欢迎。

    Any gift which will help her to save time is a sure welcome .

  27. 就当是我们三个提前送的圣诞礼物吧…

    here . Consider it an early Christmas gift from all three of us ...

  28. 说不如先看我给你带的礼物吧。

    D said was inferior looked first I give the gift which you bring .

  29. 可圣诞你也要送自己孩子礼物吧?

    But to your own kid on christmas ?

  30. 用来给你爸买个结婚礼物吧。

    And buy your dad-husband a wedding gift .