
  • 网络Tivoli
  1. 然而,新的蒂沃利酒店的真正吸引力可能源自它的餐吧Corner,曾供职于ChanterelleandAVoce的主厨德文·吉尔罗伊(DevonGilroy)为这里预订了当地农场的最好当季作物,这些食材都是限量供应,有时每种只有几斤而已。

    But the newly crowned Hotel Tivoli 's real draw might be its restaurant and bar , the Corner , for which the chef Devon Gilroy - formerly of Chanterelle and A Voce - reserves the best local farms " limited supplies of seasonal produce , sometimes just a few pounds each .

  2. 公元2世纪时,在蒂沃利哈德良别墅的罗马马赛克壁画上有一篮插花,被认为是最早的花饰艺术。

    The earliest pictorial example is a 2nd-century Roman mosaic from the villa of Hadrian at Tivoli depicting a Basket of cut flowers .

  3. 蒂沃利公园Tivoli和美人鱼像可以说是哥本哈根的象征。

    Peduncle Worley park Tivoli and the beautiful manatee picture may say is Copenhagen 's symbol .

  4. 虽然蒂沃利长期以来一直吸引着大量创意人士,随着这家酒店在几年前关闭,它的吸引力一度有所减弱。

    Though Tivoli , about two hours by car or train from New York City , has long attracted a creative crowd , it had lost some of its allure with the hotel 's shuttering several years before .

  5. 按我的理解这是说他没有一回猜错,从最琐碎的到最无耻的念头。罗吉没有猜错,这位旅客是从派立斯特里纳到蒂沃利去的,已经走错了路。

    I take it that means without exception , from the most trivial thoughts to the most shameless . Luigi was not mistaken . The traveller , who was going from Palestrina to Tivoli , had mistaken his way ;