
  • 网络Tillman;Tilman;Tilghman;Shirley M. Tilghman;W. J. Stillman
  1. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:我把你拉扯大,不是让你是非不分的。

    Felicia Tillman : I didn 't raise you to be this stupid !

  2. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:别碰我!

    Felicia Tillman : Don 't touch me !

  3. 全美最大的餐饮公司——Landry的老板,亿万富豪蒂尔曼-费尔蒂塔说他有兴趣买下休斯顿火箭队。

    Billionaire restaurateur Tilman Fertitta , owner of Landry 's Inc. , one of the nation 's biggest restaurant corporations , says he 's interested in buying theHouston Rockets .

  4. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:进展如何,有什么发现?

    Felicia Tillman : How 's it going ? What have you found out ?

  5. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:而你竟然信以为真!

    Felicia Tillman : And you believe him .

  6. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:我只告诉你,保罗·杨在6个月之内,必死无疑。

    Felicia Tillman : Just between us girls , Paul Young will be dead within six months .

  7. 林奇女士受伤后被伊拉克军方俘虏,而蒂尔曼则是死在友军的炮火之下。

    Ms Lynch was injured and captured by Iraqi forces , and Tillman was killed by friendly fire .

  8. 今天有幸来此提出这些建议或观察结论除了受到蒂尔曼校长的热情邀请之外还有一个理由

    My qualification for making such suggestions , or observations besides having kindly been invited to speak today by President Tilghman

  9. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:你现在离开,去收拾行李,今天就搬出去。

    Felicia Tillman : You will leave here , get your things , and get out of that house today .

  10. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:事实上,这一切再好不过了,保罗现在就能受到他应得的惩罚了。

    Felicia Tillman : As it turns out , it 's all for the best . Paul can now receive the punishment

  11. 在这场战争里,只有两个军人变得家喻户晓:杰西卡?林奇和帕特?蒂尔曼。

    Only two soldiers , Jessica Lynch and pat tillman , have become household names during the course of the war .

  12. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:我不会任你爱上一个禽兽的,听到了吗?

    Felicia Tillman : I will not allow you to fall in love with a monster ! Do you hear me ? !

  13. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:真的,你等着瞧吧,保罗·杨在那条街上没有任何朋友,但我有。

    Felicia Tillman : True , but you see , Paul Young doesn 't have a friends on that street . I do .

  14. 费利西亚.蒂尔曼:很明显,时间太仓促,你还没获取他的信任,你知道该做些什么吗?

    Felicia Tillman : Clearly , it 's too soon . You haven 't gained his trust yet . You know what you should do ?

  15. 火箭老板,莫雷的雇主蒂尔曼.费尔蒂塔公开指责了莫雷,但随后表示他的球队经理工作不受影响。

    Tilman Fertitta , the owner of the Rockets and Morey 's boss , publicly rebuked Morey but said later that the general manager 's job was not in danger .

  16. 美国运通全球商务旅行部商务服务副总裁艾丽西亚o蒂尔曼指出:现在有些商务出差人员不遵守公司政策,自己做决定。

    You are starting to see travelers make their own decisions and not follow policies , said Alicia Tillman , vice president of business services for American Express Global Business Travel .

  17. 蒂尔曼的这种态度也得到了高德纳公司分析师伯尔克的附和。他提醒企业对游戏化移动应用或网站不要太过兴奋,而是要更加实际地考虑员工和消费者的网络参与怎样才能对企业现有的业务模式产生意义。

    That sentiment is echoed by Gartner 's Burke , who cautions companies to temper their excitement about the gamified mobile apps or websites and to think more practically about how digital engagement makes sense within their existing business model .