
  • 网络Springer;Springer-Verlag
  1. 对谷歌批评最猛烈的企业是德国出版集团斯普林格集团(AxelSpringer)。该集团在柏林和布鲁塞尔都有着强大的话语权,在让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)竞选欧盟委员会主席时提供了至关重要的支持。

    One of the most vociferous corporate critics of Google is the Axel Springer publishing group in Germany , a powerful voice in Berlin and Brussels , and which provided crucial support for the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as the head of the European Commission .

  2. 就看到你整个一个杰瑞。斯普林格。

    And see you all over Jerry springer .

  3. 这本杂志的出版商斯普林格出版社的发言人说:“基因并不是决定幸福的唯一因素。”

    A spokesman for the journal 's publisher , Springer , said : ' Genetics is not the only determinant of happiness .

  4. 德普夫纳称,如果斯普林格继续要求新闻聚合网站为其内容支付授权费,公司已经“把自己赶出市场了”。

    Mr. D ö pfner said that Axel Springer would have " shot ourselves out of the market " " if the company had continued demanding that news aggregating sites pay a licensing fee for its content .

  5. 德普夫纳称,如果斯普林格继续要求新闻聚合网站为其内容支付授权费,公司已经把自己赶出市场了。

    Mr. D & # 246 ; pfner said that Axel Springer would have '' shot ourselves out of the market '' if the company had continued demanding that news aggregating sites pay a licensing fee for its content .