
  • 网络Jay;Jay Chou;Jalen
  1. 杰伦在马来西亚举办几场签唱会?

    How many autograph session have jay 's held in malaysia ?

  2. 那你觉得杰伦有什么变化?

    What kind of changes do you see in jay ?

  3. QQ杰伦爱原创爱情QQ分组名称:世界的尽头、你会陪我去么。

    Love QQ grouping name : The world terminus , you will accompany me to go .

  4. 因为我们爱上杰伦就是没有理由的!

    But what we love is his naughty comes from his appearance .

  5. 因为杰伦的爱,我们不能说再见。

    Because of " jay love ", we can 't say goodbye .

  6. 杰伦在马来西亚开过几场演唱会?

    How many concert jay 's have held in malaysia ?

  7. 那是一个你得当面向杰伦先生提出的问题。

    It 's a question you would have to raise with Mr gerran personally .

  8. 杰伦-布朗在11月底左右的那段时间非常煎熬,七场比赛里仅仅得到7分。

    Brown had a rough close to November , scoring seven points in seven games .

  9. 晚上7点,杰伦和他的工作人员们终于结束行程离开了商场,上了一部在等待他们的小车。

    At7pm , Jay and company finally left the shopping mall and got into their waiting van .

  10. 火腿大人太尊贵啦,不跟我们这种人同桌用饭的。杰伦猜测。

    The Lord of Ham thinks he 's too good to eat with the likes of us , suggested Jeren .

  11. 杰伦用了一个很无厘头的开头,这首歌真实的表达了一个普遍的问题,环境因为新建的饭店以及其他建筑而被破坏。

    The lyrics really describe in general how the countryside is being destroyed with the building of restaurants and other buildings .

  12. 你知道,杰伦现在正在收看,你知道,他现在正坐在卫星卡车里。

    You know , Jay is watching right now , you know , he is getting live-feed satellite truck right now .

  13. 杰伦说,工作队还储存和营销技能的教学重点,使农产品能畅销国内并出口。

    Geren said the teams also focus on teaching storage and marketing skills so farm products can be sold domestically and exported .

  14. 其他两对是2000年时的杰伦-罗斯与雷吉-米勒,以及1995年时的奥拉朱旺和德雷克斯勒。

    The other duos are Jalen Rose and Reggie Miller ( 2000 ) and Hakeem Olajuwon and Clyde Drexler ( 1995 ) .

  15. 她整个上午都在“监视”着酒店,希望当杰伦外出购物或前往演唱会现场时能看到他。

    She had been staking out the hotel since morning , hoping to see Jay when he went out shopping or to the concert venue .

  16. 杰伦-布朗在凯尔特人有数次亮眼表现,但他还不是布拉德-史蒂文斯的主要轮换部分。

    Jaylen Brown has been a sparkplug at times for the Celtics , but he 's not yet a major part of Brad Stevens 's rotation .

  17. 杰伦:好吧,那我「要」那东西。如果每个星期多给我一点钱,我会多做点家事的。

    Jay : ok , so I just want it . I 'll do more chores if you 'll give me a little more each week .

  18. 祝福您周妈妈,谢谢您一直支持杰伦。我想你一定以他为荣是吗。希望您身体健康,永远快乐。

    Best wishes for u , Zhou mama , thanks for supporting our Jie lun . I 'm sure that you 're proud of him so much .

  19. 提名:马利克-比斯利,戴维斯-贝尔坦斯,杰伦-布朗,蒙特-莫里斯,小拉里-南斯,德里克-罗斯,丹尼斯-斯罗德,德韦恩-韦德。

    Others receiving votes : Malik Beasley , Davis Bertans , Jaylen Brown , Monte Morris , Larry Nance Jr. , Derrick Rose , Dennis Schroder and Dwyane Wade .

  20. 提名:扬尼斯-阿德托昆博,马尔科姆-布罗格登,杰伦-布朗,约翰-柯林斯,蒙特利兹-哈雷尔,托比亚斯-哈里斯,巴迪-希尔德,扎克-拉文,德里克-罗斯。

    Others receiving votes : Giannis Antetokounmpo , Malcolm Brogdon , Jaylen Brown , John Collins , Montrezl Harrell , Tobias Harris , Buddy Hield , Zach LaVine and Derrick Rose .

  21. 凯尔特人也很好地留住了杰森-塔特姆和杰伦-布朗这两位有前途的前锋,他们能够成为有价值的贡献者——也为未来的交易留下了一扇打开的门。

    The Celtics also did well to hold on to Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown , two promising forwards who can be valuable contributors - and who also leave the door open for future trades .

  22. 杰伦忧郁的嗓音已经完全不同与刚出道时的青涩,吟游诗人般地将岁月的脚步镌刻进那一尊青花瓷器。

    Jay melancholy voice has been completely different from the business for the time Sentimental , Bard will be the years the pace of a camel inscribed into the blue and white porcelain in that respect .

  23. 此次,去《黄金甲》探班也是因为杰伦极力向张艺谋导演举荐,希望能让刘畊宏参与拍摄。

    Geng Hong 's visit this time around on the set of Golden Armour is also due to Jay 's pleading with the director , hoping that his friend will have a glimpse of the filming process .

  24. 对于维斯布鲁克没能顶替库里进入全明星首发,杰伦-罗斯并不感到气愤,因为库里比威少更加高效。但若就威少这个逆天的赛季来讲,威少依然应该和库里和哈登共同进入首发。

    Jalen Rose isn 't outraged that Russell Westbrook isn 't starting over Stephen Curry because Curry is more efficient but says because of how special of season Westbrook is having , he should still start alongside Curry and James Harden .

  25. 来自比利时鲁汶大学的首席作者杰伦和他的同事们说:气味在我们日常生活中无所不在,而且工作环境里香水或香味的使用非常重要。

    Lead author Jeroen Camps and colleagues , from the university KU Leuven in Belgium , said : ' Scents are omnipresent in our daily world and they are of great importance as represented by the use of perfumes or fragrances in the work environment . '