
  • 网络Walsh;Wash;Kevin Warsh
  1. 这种不幸的事也发生在约翰王的身上,1216年,他试图穿过林肯郡的沃什海湾。

    One such mishap involved King John , who in 1216 tried to cross the Wash , a bay in Lincolnshire .

  2. “我不记得发生了什么”,霍尔斯特德说,他是被派驻到当时的沃什湾麦科德空军基地的前战斗控制员。

    " I don 't remember what happened ," said Halsted , a former combat controller who was stationed at then-McChord Air Force Base , Wash .

  3. 他是帕格沃什科学和世界事务会议(PugwashConferencesonScienceandWorldAffairs)的成员,这个组织创始使命是销毁核武器。

    He was a member of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs , whose founding mission was to eliminate nuclear weapons .

  4. 英国帕格沃什组织的主席JohnFinney以私人立场指出,诸如太阳能等其他选项可能也适合发展中国家。

    Referring to solar energy , John Finney , chair of the British Pugwash Group but speaking in a personal capacity , said that other options such as solar power might also suit developing countries .

  5. “ndm-1构成一种全球公共健康威胁的可能性很大,我们需要全球协同监控,”沃什在文章中写道。

    " The potential of NDM-1 to be a worldwide public health problem is great , and co-ordinated international surveillance is needed , " wrote Professor Walsh .

  6. 沃什通过采取三步法,帮助客户度过这一阶段。

    Walsh approaches the process with her clients in three steps .

  7. 他已经96岁了,正是他发起了帕格沃什运动。

    He 's 96 years old , and he founded the Pugwash movement .

  8. 丹沃什本是一名驻上海的作家。

    Dan Washburn is a Shanghai-based writer .

  9. 然后我们一小时之内将到达我们的目的地&沃什湾汤森港的渡口。

    And then we were within an hour of our destination & the ferry in Port Townsend , Wash .

  10. 沃什提出让自己的团队协助调查,但印度官员谢绝了他的好意。

    Timothy Walsh says he offered his team to help in the investigation , but Indian officials rejected the invitation .

  11. 此外,还简略论述了帕格沃什运动对当今中国科技界如何履行社会责任和国际义务的借鉴意义。

    The paper also probes briefly into how the Pugwash Movement can serve to inspire Chinese scientists to assume their social responsibility and commitment to international affairs .

  12. 达克沃什及同事用他们设计的坚韧量表测量人们的坚韧度,并据此成功预测了很多事情,包括斯克里普斯全美拼字比赛的优胜者和芝加哥公立学校的毕业率等等。

    Duckworth and her colleagues were able to use their measure of grit to predict successful outcomes in everything from the Scripps National Spelling Bee to graduation from Chicago public schools .

  13. 之后,求职者就要尽全力利用自己的人际关系网。沃什说:“明确了自己希望涉足或重返的行业后,求职者要尽一切可能,与这些行业中的人多交流。”

    Then start networking like mad , says Walsh : " Talk to as many people as you can in the field you 're trying to get into , or get back into . "

  14. 由于潮汐汹涌,海水浑浊,这个海湾区域异常危险。然寻宝者们依然年年聚集在沃什海湾,希望能有所获。

    The area is exceptionally dangerous due to the fast incoming tides and muddy waters , but treasure hunters still flock annually to the Wash , hoping to find the haul of a lifetime .

  15. 两年前,现掌管英国航空的威利o沃什再次发出挑衅,他和我打赌,五年之内会让维珍大西洋航空在市场上消失。至于我们的赌注?

    Two years ago , Willie Walsh , who runs British Airways these days , reignited our rivalry by betting me that the Virgin Atlantic brand would disappear within five years . The twist ?