- 网络Volkov;Nora Volkow;Sergei Volkov;Sergey Volkov

Nora Volkow , director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and an authority on the brain 's pleasure pathway .
Volkov is back after spending the last six months aboard the ISS , the typical mission length for space station crews .
Even scientists who recognize it can fall prey . " I don 't like popcorn . But every time I go to the cinema , I have to eat it , " Volkow says .
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Kelly and Kornienko and a second Russian cosmonaut , Sergey Volkov , made a soft landing on the frozen steppes of Kazakhstan early Wednesday morning , three hours after separating from the International Space Station .
Doing it at the same time of the morning , rather than fitting it in haphazardly , makes the striatumrecognize the habit so eventually , " if you don 't do it , you feel awful , " says Volkow the neuroscientist , who 's also a passionate runner .