
wò tǔ
  • fertile soil;rich soil;loam;fat soil
沃土 [wò tǔ]
  • [fertile soil;rich soil] 见沃壤

沃土[wò tǔ]
  1. 宗白华的美学思想既根植于中国传统文化的沃土之中,又汲取了西方美学思想的精髓。

    His aesthetic idea takes root in the fat soil of Chinese traditional culture and absorbs quintessence of the western culture .

  2. 红壤开发实施沃土计划发展持续农业的思考

    Sustainable Agricultural Production Through Fertile Soil Scheme in Development of Red Soil

  3. 当时该地区是革命运动的沃土。

    The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements .

  4. 西雅图是适合小型企业发展的沃土。

    Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses .

  5. 这些趋势结合在一起,使得当代Internet技术的社会和技术特征成为了业务创新的一片沃土。

    Taken together , these trends make the social and technical characteristics of the current generation of Internet technologies a fertile source of business innovation .

  6. 后萨达姆(Saddam)时期的伊拉克,仍然是伊朗发挥影响力的沃土。

    Post-Saddam Iraq remains fertile ground for Iranian influence .

  7. “中国确实是就业机会的沃土,相对于他们自己的国家,”身为中国和香港的MRI中国集团香港猎头公司的经理的克里斯沃特金斯说。

    " China is really the land of opportunity now , compared to their home countries ," said Chris Watkins , manager for China and Hong Kong of MRI China Group , a headhunting firm .

  8. 在新浪微博(SinaWeibo)和微信(WeChat)称雄的时代,微小说以其简洁和幽默而成为一块沃土。

    In an era of Sina Weibo and WeChat , flash fiction is becoming fertile ground for China , with its brevity and humor .

  9. 对人才球员库来说,NBA是块发展沃土,这里有一把中锋都已适应了时下这个联盟,肯定会有更多人追随他们的脚步。

    The NBA is in a great place with regards to the talent pool and there are a handful of centers who have adapted quite well to the new NBA , with more surely to follow behind them .

  10. 正是由于你们的辛勤工作和不懈努力,我们董事会相信,KRRP是个富有策略性和吸引力的投资沃土。

    With your hard work and persistent efforts , our board is convinced that KRRP remains a strategic and attractive investment .

  11. 千百年来,河水流经的这片沃土,一直是拉杰普特族(Rajput)农民赖以生存的根本。一座座突然隆起的孤山将土地分割开来,花岗岩山坡荒凉至极。几乎每座山丘上都有一座神祠或者寺庙。

    The rich river-bottom soil , which for millennia has supported clans of Rajput farmers , is broken by dramatic solitary hills , stark uninhabited granite peaks , almost all of which are marked by a shrine or temple .

  12. 在Banta液(牛粪1.5g+干稻草2g+沃土20g+水1000ml)、酵母、小球藻三种培养条件下,比较研究了蚤状的脂肪酸组成。

    The compositions of fatty acids of water flea Daphnia pulex cultured in liquid of Banta ( 1.5 g cow dung ; 2 g rice straw ; 20 g good soil ; 1000 ml water ), bread yeast and Chlorella sp. , were determined by GC / MS.

  13. 这样的中产阶级集中地区是产生共和党人的沃土。

    Such middle-class districts are very fertile ground for the republicans .

  14. 这一带地广人稀的轻质沃土。

    The light , fertile soil of this sparsely populated land .

  15. 以及勇气的沃土中,一切皆有可能。

    And the home of the brave , nothing is impossible .

  16. 因此,这家电子商务公司就看上了美国这片沃土。

    So Alibaba is headed to the good ole ' U.S. of A.

  17. 中东是商业教育的沃土。

    The Middle East is fertile ground for business education .

  18. 不久以前,新闻行业曾经是块沃土。

    Not so long ago , news was a highly profitable business .

  19. 因施肥而肥沃的土壤小麦在沃土中长势很好。

    The wheat is growing well in the fertile soil .

  20. 乡村可能成为一块滋长偏见的沃土。

    A country village can be a fertile breeding ground for prejudice .

  21. 他把种子播在装满腐叶沃土的木箱里。

    He planted the seeds in a box filled with leaf mould .

  22. 裂变的发现犹如种子落入沃土。

    The discovery of fission was a seed dropped on fertile ground .

  23. 现实主义:理论沃土和文本荒芜

    Realism : Fertile Soil of Theory and Desolation of Text

  24. 世界上大部分的沃土已在耕种之中。

    Most of the world 's fertile land is already being cultitvated .

  25. 而风险资本则是这片沃土的肥料。

    Venture capital proved the fertiliser on this rich soil .

  26. 陈凯歌说:年轻的女人是沃土。

    Young girl is fertile land . said Chen kaige .

  27. 济南西部科技产业的沃土&记济南民营科技企业孵化器

    Fertile Soil & Jinan Incubator for Private-run Hi-tech Enterprises

  28. 拉斯维加斯不是高科技产业的沃土。

    Las Vegas is not a high-tech hot bed .

  29. 森林里的松软沃土上长着许多野花。

    Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold .

  30. 很幸运,成长在莘格这片沃土。

    We are lucky to grow on this promising land & Xinge School .