
pān dēnɡ zhě
  • climber;scaler
  1. 攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。

    The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face .

  2. 攀登者一失足掉下去摔死了。

    The climber slipped and dropped to his death .

  3. 昨天至少30名攀登者登上了顶峰。

    Yesterday no fewer than thirty climbers reached the summit

  4. 攀登者慢慢爬上了陡直的石壁。

    The climber inched up a vertical wall of rock

  5. 攀登者们用绳索相互系在一起。

    The climbers were on the rope .

  6. 攀登者试图寻出一条通到山顶的新路线。

    The climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain .

  7. 那位攀登者从悬崖上掉了下来,在下面的岩石上摔得脑浆迸裂。

    The climber fell from the cliff and dashed his brains out on the rocks below .

  8. 而我的peter是一个强壮的攀登者。

    And my Peter is a strong climber .

  9. 紧凑车市场是豪华车市场最大的一个分支,同时通用和凯迪拉克也希望打开这个突破口,为以后销售CTS、XTS等体型更大的豪华车、乃至SRX跨界车和攀登者SUV等铺平道路。

    The compact sedan category is the biggest segment in luxury vehicles and a portal through which GM and Cadillac hope to attract consumers to larger luxury sedans such as the CTS and XTS , to the SRX crossover and Escalade sport-utility vehicle .

  10. 他是一位优秀的攀登者,他不会摔下去。

    He was a good climber and he wouldn 't fall .

  11. 一些预防措施可以帮助多数攀登者抵抗高原病。

    A few precautions can help most climbers avoid altitude sickness .

  12. 两名锲而不舍的攀登者终于到达了山顶。

    Two persevering climbers finally reached the top of the mountain .

  13. 太多的警察,都在攀登者的现场。

    Too many cops , all on the scene for the climber .

  14. 攀登者为准备上山采取必要的预防措施。

    The climbers took the necessary cautions in preparing for the ascent .

  15. 海岸边的陡峭绝壁上很少有攀登者可以踏脚之处。

    The bold cliff by the shore afforded few holds to climbers .

  16. 那攀登者得攀越一陡峭岩石。

    The climber had to negotiate a steep rock face .

  17. 攀登者抓信那导体岩石,便没抓到。

    The climber snatched at the rock , but missed .

  18. 双布林结通常是攀登者最初使用的绳结。

    Double bowline is used by many climbers as their primary knot .

  19. 消防队员筑起一道人墙,把受伤的攀登者送到安全地带。

    Firefighters formed a human chain to carry the injured climbers to safety .

  20. 但当攀登者们第一次完成登山之路的四分之三的之时

    But when climbers first reached the ice fields three quarters of the way

  21. 少数几个攀登者坚忍不拔,终於登上了顶峰。

    A few persevering climbers finally reached the top .

  22. 那攀登者不得不紧扒着悬崖峭壁。

    The climber had to cling onto the cliff .

  23. 那些攀登者找到了值钱的东西。

    Those climbers , they find something valuable .

  24. 我们只能对这些古代攀登者的技术和决心感到惊讶。

    One can only marvel at the skill and resolve of these ancient climbers .

  25. 攀登者和高山一比高下。

    The climbers pitted themselves against the mountain .

  26. 攀登者手一松跌了下去。

    The climber relaxed her grip and fell .

  27. 攀登者达到树干,把绳子拴到在靠近顶端处。

    A climber goes up the bole , attaches the rope near the top .

  28. 攀登者沿途都在帐篷中过夜。

    Climbers stay in tents along the way .

  29. 今天有个攀登者摔死了。

    A climber FEL to his death today .

  30. 梯子,总是挺直了脊梁,给攀登者力量和支援。

    Ladders always maintain a straight back to give the climbers energy and support .