
  1. 回失去的星辰,我们在行动;

    Return Your Star , we are on the way .

  2. 这个信念起到促成我们在行动中进行新尝试,探索新方向的作用。

    This belief serves as a cause for new effort and new directions in our actions .

  3. 第二,罗斯的伦理学像功利主义一样促使我们在行动之前对情境的特征表现出敏感。

    Second , like utilitarianism , Ross 's ethics encourages us to show sensitivity to the unique features of situations before acting .

  4. 我们都在行动中。

    We were all in the movement .

  5. 我们在采取行动在美国遏制风险时,要尽量减少风险向世界其他市场转移并最终危及我们自己的金融系统的可能性。

    As we act to contain risk in the United States , we want to minimize the chances that it simply moves to other markets around the world , ultimately endangering our own system .

  6. 你瞧,这表示我们只在晚上行动

    You see , that means we operate at night .

  7. 树上挂满了婴儿,快让我们在归途上行动。

    There are Babies in these Trees , lets make our move .

  8. 我想我们在大规模的行动上没有足够的支援。

    I thought we didn 't have the coverage for a bigger operation .

  9. 你知道我们在看着时间行动。

    You know we 're working against the clock .

  10. 我认为我们有必要在行动前获得足够的信息。

    I think it necessary that we should get enough information before we act .

  11. 我们认为他在行动之前好好考虑一下才是明智的。

    We think it advisable that he ( should ) think deeply before acting .

  12. 我们需要在今天行动,不是在20年到50年之内,

    And we need to do it not within 20 years or 50 years ,

  13. 我们不能在采取行动之前看到人们冻死或死于可预防疾病的景象。

    We cannot wait to see images of people freezing to death or dying of preventable disease before we act .

  14. 的确,本质主义的思维是一种自我限定,我们在今天的行动都是在丰富它的内涵,扩充它的本质。

    Indeed , being an essentialist is a type of self-restriction , since our efforts today are to enrich its significance , expand its essence .

  15. 本文在这一前提下,对古代人们生态意识的内涵作了清晰的分析,力求对今天我们在自然界的行动有一定的指导作用。

    This paper has conducted a well-delimited analysis of ancient Chinese ecological awareness so as to be of help to our present activities in nature .

  16. 我也相信我们必须在反恐行动的出发点和具体行动方式方面更为公开。

    I also believe we must be more transparent about both the basis of our counterterrorism actions and the manner in which they are carried out .

  17. 我们都需要在行动与反思之间保持平衡。女王在本月初录制的演讲中说道。

    ' We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection , ' she says in the speech that was recorded earlier this month .

  18. 全世界所有自由的人民和自由的国家都有责任明确宣告,我们站在这些行动希望和历史的行动的一边。

    And it is the responsibility of all free people and free nations to make clear that these movements these movements of hope and history they have us on their side .

  19. 对行动逻辑的思考促使我们在考察教育行动时采取一种认识论视野,这一视野就其内核而言就是一种新的知识观,以及依此对知识和实践之间相互关系的重构。

    The thinking of the action logic urges us to adopt a kind of epistemological perspective while investigating the educational actions , which is actually a kind of new knowledge view and a restructuring of the relationships between knowledge and practice .

  20. 如果我们在这方面带头行动,其余的人就会跟着来。

    If we take the lead in this , others may follow .

  21. 由于我们在该岛无行动计划。

    Since we don 't have an operation on the island .

  22. 我觉得我们该在这里有所行动。

    I 'm feeling like we oughta attack something in here .

  23. 我们在利比亚的军事行动是清晰而明确的。

    Our military mission in Libya is clear and focused .

  24. 我们必须–在任何行动之前–放下一切判断和恐惧。

    We must – before taking any action – drop judgment and bias .

  25. 我们的社会在采取行动打击校园暴力。

    Our society is taking action against school violence .

  26. 让我感谢我们在这两个行动中的众多伙伴,感谢他们坚定的承诺和支持。

    Let me thank our many partners , in both initiatives , for their steadfast commitment and support .

  27. 这就是为什么我们在国内采取果敢行动的原因——对可再生能源进行前所未有的投资;

    That 's why we 've taken bold action at home - by making historic investments in renewable energy ;

  28. 产品的核心,我们可以看到他们在行动过程中的翻译。

    If we follow the final RNA products out of the nucleus we can see them in action during the process of translation .

  29. 潘基文:我们需要在采取果断行动、制止暴行的同时,就造成恐怖主义威胁的原因,展开开诚布公的讨论。

    BAN KI-MOON : We need a decisive action to stop atrocity crimes and frank discussions on what created the threat in the first place .

  30. 在同我国盟友进行磋商之后,我宣布了一项战略,阐明了我们在阿富汗的作战行动与极端主义分子在巴基斯坦的藏身地之间的重要联系。

    After consultations with our allies , I then announced a strategy recognizing the fundamental connection between our war effort in Afghanistan and the extremist safe havens in Pakistan .