
  1. 下班后我要打篮球。

    I 'm going to play basketball after work .

  2. 我要到大学去打篮球。我想成为最棒的球员。

    I am going to play college basketball . I want to be the best .

  3. 我要念大学,我要打篮球这是众多有篮球潜质的青少年的梦想,也道出了他们的心声。

    Many teenagers who have the basketball gift have the dream of we want to go to university and play basketball which is also voice of their hearts .

  4. 他们移动的脚步,还有展现出的运动能力,我觉得那是世界上最酷的事情了。那一刻我就在想,我要打篮球。

    The way they moved , and the athleticism , I thought it was the coolest thing in the world . I had that moment like , I just wanna do that .