
  • 网络I Am Very Important
  1. 你应该到场,这对我很重要。

    It 's very important to me that you should be there .

  2. 这份感情对我很重要,失去它让我感到悲伤而又空虚。

    The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty

  3. 对不起,这次约会对我很重要。

    I 'm sorry , it 's very important for me .

  4. 一辆性能可靠的车对我很重要。

    It 's important for me to have a dependable ear .

  5. 真的,真的,你对我很重要。

    Really , honestly , you were very important to me .

  6. 而且你要承认这点,这对我很重要。

    And it 's important to me that you acknowledge that .

  7. 它们对我很重要,是我历史的一部分。

    They are important to me , a part of my history .

  8. 王杰:这段经历对我很重要。

    Wang Jie : It was a very important experience for me .

  9. 小时候母亲对我很重要。

    Mother meant so much to me in my boyhood .

  10. 收到来自全国的贺电我很重要

    Getting calls from around the country I was important .

  11. 是的先生她对我很重要

    Yes , sir , she 's the whole deal !

  12. 因为家庭的亲密对我很重要。

    Because the closeness of this family is very important to me .

  13. 垃圾罢工纠纷的顺利结局对我很重要。

    Well , it 's important to me that this garbage strike ends .

  14. 小心点这对我很重要的。

    Please be careful with it , it means a lot to me .

  15. 你喜不喜欢我很重要吗?

    Is that so important , your liking me ?

  16. 你的帮助对我很重要。

    Your help is of great value to me .

  17. 这对我很重要你又没去,有什么重要呢

    It 's important to me . Why , if you didn 't ?

  18. 你的友谊对我很重要,我会永远珍惜的。

    Your friendship is important to me and I will cherish it forever .

  19. 我们是一个家庭,你知道么,这对我很重要。

    Famiiy , you know ? And all that 's important to me .

  20. 在经济上不依赖父母,这对我很重要。

    It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents .

  21. 唤回一个对我很重要的人?

    Could bring back someone important to me ?

  22. 而你也对我很重要,所以去找他吧。

    And you mean the world to me . So let 's find him .

  23. 这对汉娜和我很重要

    It means a lot to Hannah and I

  24. 并且,它不是在动物身上测试过的,这点对我很重要。

    Also , it 's not tested on animals , a priority for me .

  25. 到今天,在这里成长的事实仍然对我很重要。

    Growing up here is something that is still important to me to this day .

  26. 这东西曾对我很重要。

    This was so important to me .

  27. 你对我很重要,可是艾迪娜是我的亲人。

    You mean the world to me . But Adeena , she 's my blood .

  28. 很难让他理解为什么音乐对我很重要。

    It was so hard to make him understand why music was so important to me .

  29. 取得这个成绩太棒了,对我很重要,我感到非常高兴。

    This is a nice and very important achievement for me , I 'm very pleased .

  30. 对她而言,我很重要。

    I am important to her .