
dà jiā
  • we;all;you;people;everybody;authority;master;woman;other people;great master;Your Majesty;husband's mother;they;family of high ranking official;polymath
大家 [dà jiā]
  • [woman;husband's mother] 古代女子的尊称;婆婆

  • 大家见之,即不忘息(媳)妇。--《太平广记》

  • (1) [everybody]∶众人,大伙儿,代指一定范围内所有的人

  • 大家都叫她祥林嫂

  • (2) [all]∶确指前文出现的某些人

  • (3) 在一定的语言环境中, 可用以指我们,你们或他们

  • (4) [we]∶我们

  • 怎样靠自己呢?岸秋,你说出来让大家听听

  • (5) [you]∶你们

  • 大家不要吵,听我说

  • (6) [they]∶他们

  • 他们谈了很久,直到晚上,大家才乐呵呵地走了

  • (7) [other people]∶有时指别人

  • 他整天不说话,头上带着大家以为耻辱的高帽子

  • (1) [family of high ranking official]∶巨室,世家望族。古指卿大夫之家

  • 汝是大家子,仕宦于台阁。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [great master]∶犹言大作家,大专家

  • 艺苑品题有大家之目,自论诗者推李杜始。-- 王夫之《夕堂永日绪论外编》

  • (3) [master]∶奴仆对主人的称呼

  • (4) [Your Majesty]∶宫中近臣或后妃对皇帝的称呼

  • (5) [polymath]∶知识渊博者,博学的人

大家[dà jiā]
  1. 胡适是中国现代文学史上的一位大家。

    Hu Shi is a great master in the history of Chinese modem literature .

  2. 摘要圣地亚哥?卡拉特拉瓦是集建筑师、结构工程师和雕塑家于一身的大家。

    Santiago Calatrava is a great master of architect , structural engineer and sculptor .

  3. 大家举起杯为凯蒂和汤姆祝福吧!

    All raise your glasses and drink to Katie and Tom !

  4. 大家都吵闹着想知道他们能得到多少。

    Everyone was clamouring to know how much they would get .

  5. 老师走进教室时大家都会起立。

    Everyone would stand up when the teacher entered the classroom .

  6. 大家议论纷纷说他们之间关系暧昧。

    It was common gossip that they were having an affair .

  7. 对于发生的事情,大家一致保持缄默。

    There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening .

  8. 我们大家就此事基本达成一致意见。

    All of us are in broad agreement on this matter .

  9. 我希望你没事,这对我们大家都好。

    I hope you 're right , for all our sakes .

  10. 在昨天的会上,他的话句句都合大家的胃口。

    He made all the right noises at the meeting yesterday .

  11. 大家仍然在怀疑他。

    He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him .

  12. 大家对税制缺乏了解。

    There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system .

  13. 大家担心受害者中有妇女儿童。

    Women and children are feared to be among the victims .

  14. 大家都喜欢我父亲——他是真正的君子。

    Everyone liked my father ─ he was the perfect gentleman .

  15. 大家不禁猜测,到底发生了什么事。

    It 's tempting to speculate about what might have happened .

  16. 再增加班级人数,是大家都极不愿意的。

    It would be highly undesirable to increase class sizes further .

  17. 这个问题最好怎样解决,大家有没有什么建议?

    Are there any suggestions about how best to tackle the problem ?

  18. 事情过去后,我们大家都松了一口气。

    We all breathed a sigh of relief when it was over .

  19. 全家凑到一起度圣诞节,大家心里都十分激动。

    Tempers ignited when the whole family spent Christmas together .

  20. 我们大家都推测过她辞职的原因。

    We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation .

  21. 她的慈善工作激励着我们大家。

    Her charity work is an inspiration to us all .

  22. 多亏了你,现在大家都知道了!

    Everyone knows about it now , thanks to you !

  23. 大家都知道,我看到血就会昏倒。

    I have been known to faint at the sight of blood .

  24. 女士们,先生们,请大家注意!

    Ladies and gentlemen ! Can I have your attention , please ?

  25. 他能左右民众,让大家跟随他的意志。

    He manipulates people and tries to bend them to his will .

  26. 大家都帮着从汽车上卸行李。

    Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car .

  27. 大家伸长了脖子想看一看这个陌生人。

    Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger .

  28. 大家普遍认为情况很快就会好转。

    There is a general belief that things will soon get better .

  29. 大家都在哪儿呀?他们都走了。

    Where is everyone ? They 've all buggered off .

  30. 我们上前领奖时,大家都为我们鼓掌。

    Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize .