
zhǔ zhì yī shī
  • Attending physician;attending doctor;visiting doctor;physician/doctor in charge
  1. 男,医学博士,现为天津市天津医院脊柱外科主治医师。

    Miao jun , male , Medical Doctor , now worked in Tianjin Hospital spinal surgery department as attending doctor .

  2. 然而,北京中日友好医院耳鼻喉科主治医师毕青玲警告称,这款糖果可能会造成比真实灯泡更大的健康风险。

    However , Bi Qingling , an attending doctor with the ear , nose and throat department at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing , warned that the treat could cause more health risks than a real light bulb .

  3. 由主治医师、普通医生或住院医师呼叫ICU主管护师,弄清病人的姓名、疾病、转室原因,立即制订治疗计划。

    An attending , fellow , or resident should call the ICU charge nurse and indicate the patient 's name , illness , reason for transfer to the ICU , and immediate plans for treatment .

  4. 而特纳称,Flatiron的技术可以在病人适合参加特定试验时通知主治医师。

    Flatiron 's technology alerts physicians when their patients are eligible for a particular trial , Turner said .

  5. Halpern将此与一位主治医师讨论,主治医师担心氧气移走后病人可能会经历空气饥饿与惊恐而不得不使用高剂量的镇定剂。

    Halpern debated this request with the attending physician who was concerned that the patient would experience air hunger and fear after oxygen was removed , necessitating high doses of sedating drugs .

  6. 在UMMC住院大夫阅片,主治医师要么肯定,要么否定住院医师报告,然后将最后结果发送到急诊科。

    At UMMC , residents may read the study , the attending radiologist will either agree or disagree with the findings , and get the results to the ED physician , Toland said .

  7. 加强主治医师查房工作的做法与体会

    Ways of and experience in strengthening ward rounds by attending doctors

  8. 病人应该相信他的主治医师对他疾病的诊断。

    The patient should trust the diagnosis given by his physician-in-charge .

  9. 会笨到爱上自己的主治医师呢。

    Would be stupid enough to fall for your attendings .

  10. “纳粹”是主治医师。已经有主治医师讨厌我了。

    The nazi 's a resident . I have attendings hating me .

  11. 减肥科主治医师平均每星期操刀7台手术。

    The main bariatric surgeon performs an average of seven operations a week .

  12. 主治医师正用止血钳给病人止血。

    The physician-in-charge is using the hemostat to stop the patient 's bleeding .

  13. 我刚来的时候你是主治医师。

    You were attending when I first started here .

  14. 照管某一病人的主治医师。

    The principal physician supervising a patient 's care .

  15. 救死扶伤的天使;照顾别人的天使;主治医师。

    A ministering angel ; the angels ministrant sang ; the attending physician .

  16. 依托网络主治医师培训方案的构建

    The Construction of a Training Program for Attending Physician by Combination of Networks Technology

  17. 上个礼拜因为延长你的探访时间我已经被她的主治医师批评了

    I already got reprimanded by her primary last week for extending your visiting hours .

  18. 据欧文的主治医师表示,欧文会比预定的日期提前康复。

    Michael Owen looks ahead of schedule in his return from injury , according to his surgeon .

  19. 你的主治医师会告诉你什么时候可以扫地、拖地和使用吸尘器。

    Your doctor will tell you when it is okay to sweep , mop , and vacuum .

  20. 剩下的5%则需要去急诊室,或是找主治医师做进一步的检查。

    The remaining 5 percent are referred to the emergency room or a primary care physician for further examination .

  21. 现为南方医科大学珠江医院神经医学研究所主治医师。

    Now , he is an attending surgeon at the Institute of Neuromedicine , Zhujiang Hospital , Southern Medical University .

  22. 主治医师乌拉瓦曾为多个国际体育明星进行过手术治疗,他强调了家人陪伴的重要性。

    Orava , who has operated on several international sports stars , stressed the importance of having family close by .

  23. 主治医师在我的左眼上花了一个大大的黑色的圈。

    The surgeon came in and marked my forehead with a large black arrow pointing down at my left eye .

  24. 有些职位在具备多年经验后可以晋升到管理职位,如检验科主管或者外科主治医师等。

    Progression to management positions , such as director of laboratory medicine or chief of surgery , is possible with experience .

  25. 主治医师正用止血钳给病人止血。他用方糖夹钳砸碎了小玻璃容器。

    The physician-in-charge is using the hemostat to stop the patient 's bleeding . He broke the capsule with his tongs .

  26. 由两名主治医师以上医务人员同时对同一病人进行症状、体征和量表信息采集。

    More than two attending surgeon by medical staff also for the same patient symptoms , signs and scale information collection .

  27. 临床医疗工作中主治医师的临床综合能力在整个医疗质量环节中起着重要的作用。

    The general clinical abilities of attending doctors are closely linked with the overall quality of patient care in a hospital .

  28. 在这个时候,主治医师从他的大脑中抽取血液,并用手术溶液清洗头部。

    At this point , attending physicians will drain the blood from his brain , and flush it with a surgery solution .

  29. 低年资主治医师是综合医院医教研等各项工作的生力军,其临床能力的提高是医院人才梯队建设的重要任务。

    How to improve the clinical capability of these doctors is an important task for the human resources construction of a general hospital .

  30. 记录上登记的是一名外科主治医师,但是那晚你在急诊室值班是吗?

    The doctor of record was a resident surgeon , but you were on duty in the ER that night . I was ?