
  • 网络main economic indicators;Key economic indicators;Major Economic Indexes;OECD Main Economic Indicators
  1. 对2000年主要经济指标的分析和预测

    Analysis and projection of main economic indicators for 2000

  2. 近期经济运行态势分析及全年主要经济指标的预测

    Recent Economy Development Status of China and Forecasting for the Main Economic Indicators of 1995

  3. 国产200MW机组主要经济指标分析及节能潜力预测

    Analysis on Major Economic Indexes of Domestic 200 MW Unit and its Power Conservation Potential

  4. 详尽讲述了Mn3O4的各种制备方法,并就生产Mn3O4的主要经济指标和发展前景进行了简要的论述。

    The manufacturing methods of manganic manganous oxide ( Mn 3O 4 ) is described detailedly , and the economic target and developing prospect of Mn 3O 4 production are presented briefly .

  5. 工业企业主要经济指标他的专业是农业经济。

    Main Indicators of industrial enterprises His major is agricultural economy .

  6. 山东省肉牛场主要经济指标调查

    Investigation of Primarily Economic Index in Shandong Cattle Feedlots Unification of fields

  7. 不少主要经济指标都与人口分不开。

    Many main economical factors are inseparable to population .

  8. 1999-2003年我国通信业务主要经济指标完成情况

    Key Economic Indicator of China Telecommunication Business in 1999-2003

  9. 1999-2003年我国电子及通讯设备制造业主要经济指标完成情况

    Key Economic Indicator of China Electronic and Telecommunication Equipment Manufacturing Industry in 1999-2003

  10. 预告萧条的主要经济指标。

    Leading economic indicators that portend a recession .

  11. 2007年国家级经济技术开发区主要经济指标占全国比重。

    The Proportion of Main Economic Indices of National Development Zones in the Whole ry in2007 .

  12. 2007年俄罗斯经济强劲增长,各项主要经济指标完成情况好于预期。

    In2007 , Russian economy was booming and all economic indexes were better completed than expected .

  13. 1992~2005年云南地震灾害损失与主要经济指标研究

    Study on the Earthquake-caused Losses and Main Economic Indexes of Yunnan Province from 1992 to 2005

  14. 贵州目前的主要经济指标与全国平均水平相比仍有很大差距。

    There is still a wide gap between main economic indicators in Guizhou and the national average .

  15. 黑龙江省电力有限公司1999年发电生产主要经济指标完成情况分析

    Analysis of Major Economic Norms Fulfilled by Heilongjiang Power Co. , Ltd for Power Generation in 1999

  16. 工业企业主要经济指标

    Main Indicators of industrial enterprises

  17. 二季度后一些主要经济指标增速出现回落,主要是基数影响和主动调控的结果。

    This is mainly due to the high level of the base figures and our proactive macro-control measures .

  18. 去年最后一季度的政府主要经济指标上调。

    Upward revision to the government 's main economic barometer for the final three months of last year .

  19. 煤质是煤炭分析的主要经济指标之一,当前煤炭仍按煤质或灰分分级,以质论价。

    Especially , the quality of rural coal is concerned as one of the fundamental economic indicators in coal analysis .

  20. 方法将青岛市不同年代7~12岁儿童身高、体重与主要经济指标作相关分析。

    Methods A correlative analysis was made among the stature and body weight of the children aged 7-12 in different decades .

  21. 并对2003年、2005年、2010年各主要经济指标进行了预测。

    The major economic index in the following years of 2003 , 2005 and 2010 have been forecast in the paper .

  22. 王建明的带领增长的一个主要经济指标,玉柴唱片业的一个奇迹倍。

    Wang Jianming in the lead , Yuchai record business into a major economic indicators of growth in times of a miracle .

  23. 金融危机爆发前后各相关国家主要经济指标规律性波动趋势探讨的文献综述

    Regular Fluctuation of Major Economic Indicators before and after the Outbreak of Financial Crisis & Based on the Perspective of Literature Review

  24. 2004年我国纺织行业各项主要经济指标均创良好业绩,同比增长幅度都在20%左右。

    In 2004 , the textile economy in China performed well with major economic indicators all registered year-on-year growth of around 20 % .

  25. 中国国务院副总理表示,随着主要经济指标逐季向好,我国经济将大概率实现正增长。

    A Chinese vice premier says the country very see positive growth this year as key economic indicators have improved quarter by quarter .

  26. 主要经济指标和统计数字在新闻中频频出现,是分析人员解释金融市场上下波动震荡的重要指标。

    Key economic indicators and statistics are often quoted in the news as reasons for rallies and downward corrective moves in the financial markets .

  27. 今年1-10月主要经济指标增幅,在省会城市中有三项位居第一、三项位居第二。

    From January to October this year , the growth rates of three main economic indexes rank the first place and another three rank the second .

  28. 其中,投资、消费、信贷等主要经济指标增长高于全国平均水平,总体形势好于预期。

    Economic indicators , such as investment , consumption and credit loan growth are higher than national average , so the overall situation is better than expected .

  29. 笔者以区、市、县为基本经济单元,选取主要经济指标,通过综合值测算,划分出了由13个经济相对落后的县组成的重庆市落后地区。

    This paper classified thirteen relative backward counties in Chongqing as the Chongqing Backward Areas according to main economic indicators of 40 counties and their comprehensive value estimation .

  30. 2003年一季度,中国经济增长延续2002年以来的上升趋势,开局良好,主要经济指标增长普遍加快。

    In the first quarter of 2003 , China 's economy following the increasing trend of the last year has a smart beginning with the major indexes boosting .