
  • 网络administrative service center
  1. 在这次改革中行政服务中心应运而生。

    In the reform of administrative service center came into being .

  2. 长三角地区地方政府行政服务中心建设研究

    Study on Local Government Administrative Service Center Construction in Yangtze Delta

  3. 南京化学工业园行政服务中心设计

    The Design of Administration Service Center of Nanjing Chemical Industrial Park

  4. 行政服务中心文件信息检索系统的设计及实现

    Design and Realization of the Administration Service Center Papers Information Seeking System

  5. 公共行政服务中心建设的研究分析

    A Study on Constructing Government Affairs Service Center

  6. 我带你到行政服务中心去求助。

    Let me take you to the Administrative Service Center to ask for help .

  7. 公共服务流程再造的决定因素:基于行政服务中心的前沿实践

    Power of Business Process Reengineering in Public Service : Front-line Practice of Administration Service Center

  8. 开封市行政服务中心于是采用了一费制收费方式对企业进行统一收费。

    So , Kaifeng Administration Server Center uses the style of Unit-Charge-System to charge for companies .

  9. 行政服务中心内部服务质量的六个维度均与公务员满意度正向显著相关;

    Thirdly , service quality level of the six facets were positively correlated with satisfaction of civil servants ;

  10. 第五章归纳了颍上县行政服务中心建设的成就并且论述了其建设过程当中的一些创新经验。

    The fifth part sums up the accomplishment of Yingshang government service center and introduce its ' creative experiences .

  11. 而权限问题是影响行政服务中心运作的核心问题,这正是本文研究的缘起。

    And the permission problem is the core of those that are impacting of Administration Service Center in the practice .

  12. 第四章分析了颍上县行政服务中心的建设的背景,包括宏观经济、微观经济情况的和地域位置的介绍。

    This part analyzes the economic conditions and geographic location of Yingshang . It is also the background of Yingshang government service center .

  13. 在斗门区举行146个项目签约、动工、投产仪式的同时,斗门区行政服务中心也正式挂牌运作。

    During the ceremony celebrating the signing , groundbreaking and inauguration of146 local projects , the Doumen District Administrative Service Center was formally opened .

  14. 从1999年起,全国至少有14个省市的上百个地市县建立了一站式的综合行政服务中心。

    From 1999 onwards , at least 14 provinces and hundreds of cities of the country have established " one-stop " colligate administration service centres .

  15. 以行政服务中心的网上审批系统为例,讨论了异构数据的交换模式设计与实现。

    Based on the online approval system of the administrative service center , the design and realization of the isomer data exchange pattern was discussed .

  16. 第四部分结合实践运行得出行政服务中心发展中存在的问题和症结。

    The fourth part is in the process of the development of local Administration Service Center , and analyzes the problem and crux in the development .

  17. 第二章主要分析了行政服务中心现状,包括相关法律法规的规定与实际运行状况两大方面。

    The second analyzes the permission status of Administrative Service Center , including the two parts of the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and the practice .

  18. 其次介绍了安徽省三个地方行政服务中心的基本情况,包括成立背景、发展状况及效能现状。

    Secondly , introduced the basic situation of the three local administrative service centers in Anhui province , including the establishment background , development process and performance status .

  19. 在这些背景之下,行政服务中心经历了从串联式模式到并联式模式的变迁,并形成了现有的角色转换和功能定位。

    In these backgrounds , the Administrative Service Center has undergone the change from series model to parallel model , and forms the existing role conversion and functions location .

  20. 行政服务中心的建设既是政府管理流程再造,又是电子政务发展的重要部分。

    In this sense , the building of Administration and Service Centers not only means the reproduction of governmental administration procedures but also the main part of electronic administrative affairs .

  21. 我国目前各地政府建立的行政服务中心,是政府有效整合各职能部门职能,为公民提供全程式高效、便捷、公开透明服务的一种行政服务形式。

    The current administration service center is one kind of administrative service composing of various government department functions as well as providing effective , convenient and transparent service for citizens .

  22. 因此,应从坚定发展方向、完善管理机制、加强电子政务,提升信息化水平等方面进行对策思考,力求推动我国行政服务中心的不断完善和发展。

    Therefore , we must adhere to the direction of development , improve the management mechanism , strengthen e-government , raise the level of information and Improve administrative service center .

  23. 同时,结合对西安地区行政服务中心的实证分析,力图总结出一些可供借鉴的经验供其他地区参考。

    Meanwhile , the combination of the administrative service center in Xi ' an empirical analysis , trying to extract some summary of experience to draw on other areas for reference .

  24. 本文借鉴新公共管理和新公共服务理论,阐述了县级行政服务中心的内涵、功能及发展意义。

    This article profits from the new public administration and the new collective services theory , elaborated the county level administration service center connotation , the function and the development significance .

  25. 发现行政服务中心内部管理规章制度的制定、执行、监督和反馈等环节都存一定的在问题,并对其成因进行了深刻的剖析。

    Find that administrative service centers internal management rules and regulations enacted , implementation and monitoring aspects of different levels of certain issues , and its members conducted an in-depth analysis .

  26. 但是,行政服务中心的建设和发展也存在着一些亟待解决的问题,究其原因是行政服务中心缺乏有效的规范。

    However , administrative service center construction and the development also exist some problems to be solved ; the reason is the administrative service center to the lack of effective norms .

  27. 然而,在缺乏系统性理论指导和制度变革的背景下,行政服务中心在实际运作中面临着多重困境和质疑。

    However , in the background on the absence of the systems theory to guide and systemic change , Administration Service Center is facing the multiple difficulties and challenges in the practice .

  28. 论文第二部分阐述了我国地方行政服务中心产生的背景,包括行政审批制度改革、服务型政府建设和电子政务发展。

    The second part of this thesis elaborates on the background of Chinese local Administrative Service Center , including the reform of administrative examination and approval system , serving government and E-Government construction .

  29. 论文第三部分以上海市浦东新区市民中心为例,探讨我国地方行政服务中心发展过程中的功能定位,组织内部机构和运行实践现状。

    The third part of this thesis takes the Public Service Center of Shanghai Pudong as an example , exploring the functional location , the agencies within the organization and the operating mechanism .

  30. 第七章本文提取了县域行政服务中心的普遍问题及建议分析。最后,作者从宏观角度分析并对本文进行了总结。

    Then the common problems of government service center in county level are uncovered and suggestions are given in the last part , the author sums up the whole essay from the macro perspective .