
xínɡ li chē
  • baggage car;luggage cart;luggage van;luggage car
  1. 年轻的爱迪生在火车上工作时继续搞实验,在行李车上建立了一间实验室。

    While he worked on the train young Edison continued to experiment setting up a laboratory in the baggage car .

  2. 行李车被装得满满的,里面都是安检过的乘客行李。

    The baggage car goes full with all the checked luggage of the passengers .

  3. 这列火车,刨去行李车和邮车,有20节车箱。

    The train has twenty cars , the baggage and mail ones excluded .

  4. 请稍等,我拿个行李车来。

    Just a moment , I 'll bring a luggage cart .

  5. 用适当的行李车为使用酒店车辆离开的客人给予行李帮助。

    To unload luggage from departing hotel vehicles and organize the appropriate luggage trolley for assistance .

  6. 我方工程师设计的新款行李车非常精巧、实用。

    37.The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical .

  7. 旅客:要是能借用一下你们的行李车,我想我自己就行。

    G : I think I can do it myself if I can borrow your trolley .

  8. 铁路行包物理属性及其对行李车运能利用的分析

    Analysis of Railway Baggage and Parcel Physical Properties and Their Influences on the Use of Baggage Vehicle

  9. 以前,海尔的大部分促销广告都局限于广告牌和机场的行李车。

    Previously most of its ads were limited to brand promotion on billboards and airport luggage trolleys .

  10. 检查所有的行李车是否干净,检查雨伞的数量和轮椅的情况。

    Check the cleanliness of all the luggage trolley , check the umbrella par stock , check wheel chair'status .

  11. 行李车,邮政车及其他特殊用途的铁道或电车轨道车辆,非自动推进的

    Luggage vans , post office coaches and other special purpose railway or tramway coaches , not self-propelled trundling a wheelbarrow down the path

  12. 文章结合双目视觉系统特点,介绍了智能行李车的系统组成以及系统工作流程,并详细描述了目标识别与跟踪算法和行李车运动控制策略。

    Based on the characteristics of the binocular vision system , system components of the smart luggage cart and the system workflow are introduced , and the target recognition and tracking algorithms and the control strategy are described carefully .

  13. 你已经把行李放到车上了吗?

    B : Did you take our suitcases to the car yet ?

  14. 你要人帮你把行李从车上搬下来吗?

    Do you want any help bringing your stuff in from the van ?

  15. 有从度假旅馆发的取行李的车吗?

    Is there a pick-up bus from holiday inn ?

  16. 等一下,我还没把行李从车里拿出来呢!

    Hold on , I haven 't got my stuff out of the car yet !

  17. 好的,我帮你把行李放到车上。

    Ok , I will help you to put your baggage in the back trunk .

  18. 我们常常停下来补充食物;一辆跟随我们的行李搬运车会提供新鲜可口的菠萝和西瓜,凉水和装冰的面巾。

    There are frequent stops for replenishment ; a luggage truck accompanying our group provides deliciously fresh pineapple and watermelon , cold water and iced flannels .

  19. 我帮您把行李放在车后的行李箱。

    Let me put your bags in the trunk .

  20. 我们把你的行李放进车里,你就不会晚了

    We 'll put your bags in the car so you 're not late .

  21. 例句他们把行李抬到车上。

    They heaved their luggage into the car .

  22. 列车员提醒旅客们下火车时别把自己的行李忘在车上。

    The conductor reminded the passengers not to leave their luggage behind when they got off the trains .

  23. 我头顶上响起愤怒的声音,行李被从车上卸下来,这一切都像是个梦。

    There were angry voices above me and luggage was taken off the cab , but it was all like a dream .

  24. 可否替我把行李放在车尾箱呢?我的汽车尾箱中有些上等的葡萄酒。

    Could you help me to load my Luggage into the boot , please ? I left some good wine in the car trunk .

  25. 拎着行李下了车,活动了一下麻木的腿脚,我发现山脚下根本就没人家!

    Carry luggage and got off the car , activities once numb feet up , I found at the foot of the hill haven 't somebody else !

  26. 你的行李已被放到车上。

    Your luggage has been put on the train .

  27. 要帮提行李或推行李车,但那个人要来的话你也别勉强。

    Offer to carry the bags or push the trolley , but if the person says that they will , don 't insist .

  28. 这位行李搬运员会帮忙将行李放到你的车上。

    The baggage handler will help place the luggage in your car .