
jià mù
  • marked price;price
价目 [jià mù]
  • [marked price] 商品的标价

价目[jià mù]
  1. 随函所附的价目单列有我们CIF最低价,相信非常具有竞争力。

    The enclosed price list will give your our best CIF prices which we believe are highly competitive .

  2. 我们对你公司的电热器,特别是办公室用F型的电热器感兴趣。请寄给我们一份带有插图的商品目录和价目表,谢谢。

    We are interested in your electric heaters , particularly Model F , for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and current price list .

  3. 这台激光唱片机在价目单上定为200元。

    This CD player lists at $ 200 .

  4. 它的价目表适合4个基本类别的顾客。

    Its tariffs cater for four basic classifications of customer .

  5. 我们所有货物都标明了价目。

    All our goods are clearly [ plainly ] priced .

  6. B:我来查一下价目再给你回电。

    B : I 'll check the rates and call you back .

  7. 以下示例在product表中检索所有山地自行车的产品标识号、名称、价目表价格以及新的价目表价格。

    The following example retrieves the product identification number , name , the list price and the new list price of all the mountain bicycles in the product table .

  8. 非IBM价目及性能数字资源取自可公开获得的信息,包括供应商的声明和供应商的全球主页。

    Sources for non-IBM list prices and performance numbers are taken from publicly available information , including vendor announcements and vendor worldwide homepages .

  9. 大功率逆变电源IGBT关断电压尖峰抑制研究非高峰期电话价目表

    Research on methods of restrain IGBT switching-off voltage pulse in high-power inverter off peak telephony rate

  10. 制造商须提供代理商有上述产品价目表,全用cif温州的价格。

    Manufacturer shall furnish Agent with the price lists of all of his products stated above , all in terms of CIF Wenzhou .

  11. 随函附上一份列有CIF旧金山价的最新价目单以及一份有插图的产品目录,供你们参考。

    For your reference , we are enclosing a copy of our latest price list giving CIF San Francisco prices together with an illustrated catalogue .

  12. 请惠寄目录、价目表、付款条件和CIF报价单。并将本公司惠列于贵公司通讯名单上。

    We would appreciate to have your catalogues , price-list , terms of payment and CIF Shanghai quotations , Kindly put us on your mailing list .

  13. 根据餐馆网站上的价目表,Edelman说他原本应付的价格是53.35美元。

    Based on the prices listed on the restaurant 's website , Edelman said he had expected to pay $ 53.35 for his order .

  14. 承销商将接受代销产品的拥有权,并应为DMS的利益按此订价销售产品,承销商可随时建立或批准这样的价目表。

    Consignee shall accept possession of the Products on consignment , and shall sell the Products for DMS'account at such list price ( s ) as Consignee may establish or authorize from time to time .

  15. 从首封公开在boston.com上的邮件中可以看到,段向Edelman确认餐馆网站上的价目表过期了,他答应会立刻更新并退还多收的费用。

    In emails first made public by boston . com , Duan acknowledged to Edelman that the prices listed onthe restaurant 's website were out of date . He promised to update them soon and offered to refund the overages .

  16. 请寄产品目录及价目表供我方参考。

    Please send your catalogue and price list for our reference .

  17. 关于目录与价目表,我们将另邮寄给你方。

    We will send you under separate cover catalogue and pricelist .

  18. 在大商店里条码已经取代了传统的价目标签

    Bar codes have replace the traditional price tag in big store

  19. 奉上新价目单,其中不免有若干项略有提高。

    The enclosed new price list reveals a number of increases .

  20. 请寄给我们贵方的石英钟价目单。

    711 Please send us your price list of quartz clocks .

  21. 这张邮票的价目是五美元。

    This stamp catalog ( ue ) s at five dollars .

  22. 请给我看看你们的租车价目表。

    Please show me a list of your car rental rates .

  23. 寄上一份价目表,内容包括我们所经营的商品。

    We send you a pricelist covering goods we are handling .

  24. 有关特快服务请参看洗衣价目表。

    For express service , please refer to the Laundry price list .

  25. 此价目不适用于广州交易会期间。

    All rates quoted are subject to change during Guangzhou Fair period .

  26. 这是我们最新的价目表,可供您参考。

    Here is our latest price list for your reference .

  27. 附件是我方最新产品目录和出口价目单。

    Attached are the latest catalogue and export price list .

  28. 奔驰先生并不很了解这些价目,可是他仍然答应了。

    Beans did not quite understand these charges , but nonetheless agreed .

  29. 这是我们酒店的宣传册和价目表。

    Here is a brochure of our hotel and our price list .

  30. 有专为电子商业交易的设定的费用标准价目表。

    There 's a standard fee schedule for e-commerce transactions .