
jià ɡé zhī chí
  • price support
  1. 20世纪90年代,欧盟对CAP进行了两次基础性的改革:1992年改革和2000年议程。主要措施是将价格支持转为直接收入支持。

    From 1990s , EU started fundamental reforms on CAP , including Macsharry Reform in 1992 and Agenda 2000 , to change its emphasis from price support to direct payment .

  2. 但市场价格支持政策的效果更明显。第五,根据WTO规则所确定的农业国内支持上限,设计出不同的粮食国内支持水平,并考察在不同支持水平下的粮食产量变化趋势。

    But the Market Price Support has a more obvious result . Fifthly , according to the rules of WTO , the author designs different levels of grain domestic support in order to observe the change trend of grain yield .

  3. 运用OECD的政策矩阵评估模型计算了市场价格支持和直接支付两种支持政策对我国农业的政策效应。

    By using policy matrix evaluation models developed by the OECD , this paper evaluates the effects of different China agricultural support policies .

  4. 这一目标股价可能有助于提供一个楼层,并额外价格支持,LDK的最近的价格下降。

    This price target may help provide a floor and additional price support to LDK 's recent price decline .

  5. 在PSE中,市场价格支持政策的作用在60%以上,新农业政策尤其是农业税减免政策对预算支持的增加起越来越重要的作用。

    Market price support policy plays a key role ( more than 60 % ) to the level of PSE , new agricultural policy , especially the agricultural tax reduction has also big influence on budget payments .

  6. 对消费者的补贴会增加农业价格支持的成本。

    Subsidies to consumers may contribute to the cost of agricultural price supports .

  7. 农产品价格支持和农业保险制度建设之比较

    A comparison between price backing of farm product and establishing an insurance system in agriculture

  8. 政府停止价格支持以后,面包的价格上涨了30%。

    The cost of bread rose by thirty percent after the government ended price supports .

  9. 3国内支持应从价格支持转向收入支持;

    Thirdly , the domestic support should be altered from price support to income support ;

  10. 入世后政府对农产品的价格支持和基础设施投入支持

    On the government backing of farm produce price and infrastructure investment after China joins the WTO

  11. 主要问题在于贫困国家反对在发达国家的农产品价格支持计划以及存在的贸易壁垒。

    Objections by poor countries to agricultural support programs and trade barriers in wealthy ones were major issues .

  12. 粮食价格支持政策理论和我国实行的必要性研究

    Research on Principle of Grain Support Price Policy and Necessity of Carrying Out the Policy in Our Country

  13. 有一种观点认为农业价格支持可以刺激农业技术的发展并提高作物产量。

    One argument in favor of supporting agricultural prices is that it stimulates agricultural technology and boosts crop yields .

  14. 美国农业部表示,中国通过为农民提供补贴和价格支持,在小麦上基本上仍能实现自给自足。

    China uses subsidies and price supports to farmers to remain nearly self-sufficient in wheat , the USDA says .

  15. 价格支持政策以及税费改革的实施使农业生产者支持水平由负向正转变。

    Market support policy and tax and fee reform have caused the producer support to change from negative to positive .

  16. 但市场价格支持政策的政策成本则由纳税人和消费者共同承担,消费者剩余有所减少;

    But the policy of market price support whose costs are shouldered by taxpayers and consumers , decreases the consumer surplus .

  17. 之所以这样做,是因为增加进口量以后将更难维持对国内农民的价格支持制度。

    It does so because increased imports would make it harder to run a system of price support for domestic farmers .

  18. 在文章的最后,对价格支持政策的前景进行展望,并勾画出这一政策的演变轨迹。

    And the end of the dissertation prospect the future of price support , with a evolution track of the policy .

  19. 我国农民收入政策的演进是从价格支持政策转向结构调整政策。

    The evolution of the our country farmer income policy is prices support policy to change the construction the adjustment the policy .

  20. 但由于原有的市场价格支持等间接补贴政策效率较低,世界上许多国家都已经开始将补贴方式转为直接补贴。

    Because indirect subsidy policies such as market price support are inefficient , many countries changed their way of subsidy to direct subsidy .

  21. 实证结果显示粮食绿箱支持政策与市场价格支持政策均有增加粮食产量的作用。

    The result demonstrates that the grain Blue Box and Market Price Support policies all have the function to increase the grain yield .

  22. 其中1992年的改革第一次将市场价格支持政策转向生产者收入支持政策,触动了共同农业政策的核心部分。

    The reform in1992 touched the core of the cap with direct the support policy of market price to the support policy of producer income .

  23. 烟草转移支付项目标志着,自从大萧条以来联邦烟草营销配额和价格支持贷款项目的终结。

    The Tobacco Transition Payment Program marks the end of the federal tobacco marketing quota and price support loan programs in place since the Great Depression .

  24. 财政支农的方式应从价格支持逐步向收入支持转变,并采用税收优惠政策促进农业持续发展

    The major approach of the policy should be gradually altered from price support to income support . Preferential taxation policy should be adopted to promote sustainable agricultural development

  25. 价格支持政策虽属应当削减的农业支持政策,《农业协议》中规定了支持的最高上限,但我国离这一上限相差尚远,仍有很大的支持空间;

    Price support , though a policy to be weakened to the uppermost limit specified in the Agriculture Agreement , still has a long way to the uppermost limit ;

  26. 农业保护是一个国家对农业所采取的一系列支持与保护政策的总称,不能将农业保护单纯理解为贸易保护或价格支持。

    Agriculture protection is total appellation to a series of agricultural support and protection policies that a government takes , and cannot be simply understood as trade protection or price supports .

  27. 在政策实施初期,共同农业政策对于改变欧盟内部农产品供给短缺的状况起到了积极了作用,通过采取内部价格支持政策,使欧盟从农产品净进口国变成了农产品出口国。

    In the early period of the policy enforcement , the CAP played a positive role to change the situation of agricultural supply shortage in EU by taking interior price support policy .

  28. 在方法上运用计量经济模型,分析农业生产支持政策与价格支持政策对农业生产者的影响以及国家财政对农业支持的效果、效益和效率;

    We use econometric model to analyze the impact resulted from the production support policies and price support policy , and use DEA model to analysis the efficiency of fiscal support policy .

  29. 在价格支持重点方面,欧美主要把价格补贴用于农业生产和出口领域,日本主要将价格补贴用于农业流通环节;

    As for the emphasis of the supporting , the US and the European Union give the price subsidy to agricultural production and export , whereas Japan uses it in agricultural circulation ;

  30. 我国粮食国内支持政策已实施多年,由最初的粮食流通环节的问接支持、市场价格支持直至目前对粮食进行直接支持。

    Our country has carried out the grain domestic support policy for many years , which is from indirect support of circulation link of grain , market price support to direct income support .