
  • 网络price flexibility
  1. 主要考虑了供应商在保持批发价格灵活性和承诺批发价格下制造商的创新投资以及产量决策。

    We mainly research on the decision about innovation and quantity when suppliers retain price flexibility or make an advance commitment to price .

  2. 此外,全球化对通胀还有一些微妙和长期的影响,包括更高的竞争程度,以及更高的工资和价格灵活性。所有这些因素加在一起,使得央行致力于低通胀的承诺更为可信。

    There are other more subtle and long-lasting impacts of globalisation on inflation . These include the impact of greater competition , as well as greater wage and price flexibility , all of which operate to make central banks ' commitment to low inflation more credible .

  3. 实际接收的GPS信号对于GPS算法的研究并不理想,而GPS信号仿真器价格昂贵且灵活性差。

    The actual received GPS signal is not ideal for the GPS algorithm , and GPS signal simulator is expensive and inflexible .

  4. 使用力反馈设备的系统,不仅价格昂贵、灵活性差,而且精度不高。

    The system use of force feedback devices is not only expensive , poor flexibility , but inaccuracy .

  5. 它以其强大的功能、低廉的价格以及高度的灵活性对传统的PSTN电话提出了强大的挑战。

    Being cheap with flexible and powerful functions , VoIP has become the biggest challenge to the traditional PSTN .

  6. VoIP(VoiceOverIP)技术包含了SIP,SDP,H.323等一系列的协议,它以强大的功能、低廉的价格以及高度的灵活性对传统通信提出了强大的挑战。

    VoIP ( Voice over IP ) includes a set of protocols and technologies such as SIP , SDP , H.323 , which challenges the traditional PSTN telephony with its powerful functions , cheap price and obvious facility .

  7. 而中国本土供应商竞争优势最强的前5个订单要素依次是价格、服务、灵活性、物流和供应链、交货周期。

    The top five most competitive order winners and qualifiers of local suppliers are price , service , flexibility , logistics and supplier chain , lead time .