
  • 网络Actual variable;real variable;actual argument
  1. 名义变量与实际变量关联程度与影响方向的计量检验

    Testing for the Relationships and Affecting Effects between Nominal and Real Variables

  2. 在宏观经济理论中,货币政策的效力指的是货币政策对实际产量、就业等实际变量的变化具有作用。

    In macro-economic theory , efficiency of monetary policy refers to the effect of monetary policy on real variables such as real output , employment etc.

  3. 由于一直受到价格弹性与完全竞争两个假设的限制,RBC理论认为实际变量的决定独立于货币政策,因此社会福利与货币政策无关,有悖于经验证据。

    As has been limited by the " price elasticity " and " perfect competition " two hypothesis , RBC theory believes that the actual variables are independent of monetary policy , and that social welfare has nothing to do with monetary policy , contrary to empirical evidence .

  4. 货币推动力是产出、就业等实际变量变化的最主要因素。

    Money is the mostly impetus to the changes of output and employment .

  5. 所有的变量都是实际变量。

    All the variables are in real terms .

  6. 此外,政府支出冲击的引入可能还不足以使模型准确解释主要实际变量的周期波动。

    Furthermore , the introduction of government spending shocks may also be insufficient to explain the cyclical fluctuations of some real aggregate variables .

  7. 既然名义变量与实际变量存在相关性,那么是否可以通过货币、股票等名义变量来预测实际产出呢?

    Since there are correlations with real economic variables and nominal economic variables , then if can money and stock forecast real GDP ?

  8. 本文分别从平稳的实际变量系统和非平稳的名义变量系统两个角度来考察出口贸易对中国经济增长的影响。

    This Paper discusses the impact of export trade on China 's economic growth by analyzing a stationary real variable system and a non-stationary nominal variable system separately .

  9. 在经济学研究中,名义变量与实际变量之间的关系历来被认为是具有重要意义的,而且关于名义变量与实际变量二者之间关系的论断也存在多种不同的理论命题。

    In the study of economics , the relations between nominal economic variables and real economic variables have always been thought in great importance , and there also have been many different propositions about these relations .

  10. 政策无效主张是新古典宏观经济学的基本原理市场出清、理性预期和只有实际变量才至关重要应用到相当标准的宏观经济模型之中的结果。

    The proposition of invalidation of monetary policy is the result that principles of the new classical macroeconomics-market cleaning hypothesis , rational expectations hypothesis and only the practice variable being the most important-are used into the quite normal macroeconomics models .

  11. 此外,模型通过脉冲响应分析和方差分解分析发现,货币冲击主要影响通货膨胀率和名义利率等名义量,产出、资本等实际变量则受技术冲击影响较大。

    In addition , by the impulse response analysis and variance decomposition analysis we found that monetary shocks mainly affected nominal variables like inflation rate and nominal interest rate , the actual variables like output , capital were mainly subject to technology shocks .

  12. 在我国,现实经济运行环境与货币政策有效论的假设条件更为接近,大多数理论学者和经验证据也都倾向于支持名义变量与实际变量并非完全可分,二者之间存在显著关联性。

    In China , the economy environments are more closed to the hypothesize of the opinion that the monetary policy is in effect , and many scholars and empirical evidences trend to support that real economy can not separate from nominal economy , and there are significant correlations with them .

  13. 由于中国地区(人群携带)LD匮乏,为了表明显著相关性,你可能需要考虑实际因果变量。

    As there is very little LD in the Chinese in this region , in order to find a significant association you would likely need to type the actual causal variant .

  14. 针对实际多变量强耦合非线性温控系统,设计了基于PC104嵌入式系统的拟人智能温度控制系统。

    Simulating Human Intelligent Controller based on PC104 system is presented for a nonlinear temperature control system , which is multivariable and strongly coupling .

  15. 货币供应量与实际经济变量日益失去了稳定的联系;

    The once stable relationship between money supply and real economic variable are disappearing ;

  16. 大量的实证研究表明,这些都是和实际金融变量的特点不相符的。

    Large empirical studies have shown that these do not match the real of financial variables .

  17. 通过对两个实际离散变量优化设计问题的应用研究,验证了本方法解决离散变量优化设计问题的有效性。

    The study on two practical discrete variable optimization problems proves the validity of this algorithm in solving discrete variable optimization problems .

  18. 连续体有限元分析的数值结果是大量的离散数据,而实际场变量的分布基本上是连续变化的。

    The numerical result of finite element analysis for continuous object is a large number of seperate data , but basically , the distribution of real field variables changes continuously .

  19. 央行家们不可能决定实际经济变量的水平,比如产出、就业,甚至是实际利率,后者衡量的是经通胀调整后的资产回报率。

    Central bankers cannot determine the level of real variables & such as output , employment , or even real interest rates ( which measure the return on an asset after adjusting for inflation ) .

  20. 其次,从寻找贸易引力模型中,模拟值与实际值变量相关关系的角度入手,利用最优模型组合理论,建立了基于灰色理论的贸易引力模型。

    Secondly , starting with searching the relationships between simulant values and actual values of the Trade Gravity model , the thesis sets up the Trade Gravity model based on Gray System by using optimal combination forecasting .

  21. 但将金融发展指标应用于实证分析时,应注意指标间的相关性、指标采用跨国截面数据的局限性和指标与实际经济变量之间的互补性。

    When it is applied in the analysis of substantial evidence , attention should be paid to the relativity among the indexes , the limitation of multinational-section data collected and the mutual complementarity between the index and the actual economic variables .

  22. 随着信息技术和金融深化等的不断发展,货币与其他金融资产界限日益模糊,货币供应量与实际经济变量失去稳定的联系,这种制度性变革对货币政策提出了一系列新挑战。

    With the standing development of the information technology and financial deepening , the limit between the currency and other financial assets becomes indistinct and the money supply loses stable connection with actual economic variables . This systematic change makes the monetary policies face a series of new challenges .

  23. 我们可以传递少于实际的闭包变量数目的参数。

    We can pass less arguments than the actual number of variables in the closure .

  24. 本文方法对于工程实际中设计变量不多的情况尤为方便。

    This method is acceptable for engineers and convenient for the design with a few variables in practical engineering .

  25. 从理论上证明了方法的正确性,且以实际的多变量非线性随机动态系统为例验证了该方法的有效性。

    The method has been proved in theory here , and the efficiency of the method has been verified by using simulation of engineering experiments of nonlinear dynamic systems .

  26. 本文利用推测变量法对一些典型寡头垄断模型进行了统一,本质地揭示了这些模型的差异但是推测变量取值范围的不同,并指出在实际运用推测变量法中所应注意的问题。

    The thesis brings to bear conjectural variation to unify the classical oligopoly models and open out that the differences of the models are only the dissimilarities of conjectural variation range .

  27. 河流生态目标决定河流管理与保护水平,但生态系统的复杂性导致生态目标难以确定并量化成可以实际调控的变量。

    Ecological target of rivers determines the level of management and protection of rivers , but the complexity of ecosystem causes difficulties of quantizing the ecological target into a real controllable variable .

  28. 通过实证研究发现,金融创新对我国货币需求的稳定有着不可忽视的重要影响,我国货币需求与实际产出等变量之间的稳定关系只有在考虑金融创新的影响时才能够成立。

    Empirical studies indicate that financial innovations has an impact on money demand stability not to be ignored , and that the stable relationship between money demand and variables like real production can hold only if the effect of financial innovations are taken into account .

  29. 如果这个元素的名字是title,这段代码将把该元素的实际内容放到字符串变量title中。

    If the name is title , the code puts the actual contents of the element into the String variable title .

  30. 介绍了地质科学应用程序从Basic向VISUALBASIC(简称VB,下同)移植的基本技巧,并结合实际开发经验对变量定义、数据读取、成果输出和存储等开发、移植过程做了说明。

    The paper focuses on the discussion of the primary technique of displacing the Basic Language into Visual Basic Language for geoscientific applicative program and introduces the development and transplanting process such as variable definition , data reading , result output and storage according to the practical development experiences .