
  • 网络Monetary rule
  1. 理论上,这种基础货币规则是一种理想的工具规则。

    Theoretically , this kind of rule of monetary base is an ideal instrument rule .

  2. 通过数理推导得出灵活通货膨胀目标制下的最优货币规则,并应用中国的实际数据进行实证检验。

    This paper deduces the optimal monetary rules of agile inflation targeting mathematically , and empirical tests the effect with the actual data in China .

  3. 本文采用一个简单的前瞻性(Forward-looking)模型分析了中央银行确定最优货币政策规则的过程。

    This paper analyzes the process of ascertaining the optimal monetary policy rules through a simple forward - looking model .

  4. 泰勒本人就创建了一项很有影响的货币政策规则。根据这项规则,央行应根据实际通胀率或GDP偏离目标通胀率或潜在GDP的程度,相应地调整名义利率。

    And Taylor himself created an influential monetary policy rule , which stipulates how much a central bank should change the nominal interest rate in response to divergences of actual inflation rates or gross domestic product from target inflation and potential GDP .

  5. 本文针对我国的实际情况,采用状态空间方法估计了基于优化的IS-LM-PC模型,特别是估计了货币政策规则,并以此进行了随机模拟。

    Based in actual data of China , we use the state-space method to estimate the optimizing IS-LM-PC model , inter alia , estimating the monetary policy rules .

  6. 西方经济学界货币政策规则理论述评

    Comments on Theories of Monetary Policy Rules in Western Economic Circle

  7. 较高的经济持续性将导致积极的最优货币政策规则。

    More persistence in economic leads to a more activist policy .

  8. 稳健的最优简单货币政策规则在我国的应用

    The Application of Optimal Simple Monetary Policy Rules in China

  9. 最优前瞻性货币政策规则的设计与应用

    The Designing and Application of the Forward-looking Monetary Policy Rules

  10. 中国货币政策规则与实证检验

    The Money Policy Rule and Demonstration Test in China

  11. 货币政策规则研究的新进展

    Recent Development of the Research of Monetary Policy Rules

  12. 最优货币政策规则理论及应用研究

    Research on Optimal Monetary Policy Rule Theory and Application

  13. 最优货币政策规则的前瞻性视角分析

    A Forward-looking Analysis of the Optimal Monetary Policy Rules

  14. 货币政策规则的理论依据及其原创性论述

    Theory Base of Monetary Policy Rules and Original Comment

  15. 货币政策规则的理论发展与启示

    Theory development and revelation of monetary policy rule

  16. 中国货币政策规则性与相机抉择性的选择与实证分析

    The Choice between Regularity and Discretion on China 's Monetary Policies and Positive Analyses

  17. 货币政策规则理论的发展回顾

    The Development of the Monetary Policy Rule Theory

  18. 货币政策规则:基于国际的考察

    International experiences with different monetary policy rules

  19. 所以货币政策规则具有中国特色的综合性。

    Therefore , the monetary policy of China is a comprehensive one with the Chinese character .

  20. 因此,近年来国内关于货币政策规则的研究成为热点问题。

    So , the research with monetary policy domestically become the hot question in recent years .

  21. 2,遵循恰当的货币使用规则

    Follow proper currency protocol

  22. 货币政策规则应该将资产价格、汇率等因素纳入其中吗?

    Should the monetary policy rule need react to asset prices fluctuation , exchange rates or other similar factors ?

  23. 货币政策规则;目标规则;工具规则;相机抉择;通货膨胀目标制;泰勒规则;货币政策框架;

    Monetary Policy Rules ; Targeting Rule ; Instrument Rule ; Discretion ; Inflation Targeting ; Taylor rules ; Monetary Policy Framework ;

  24. 货币政策规则也是综合各规则的优势,选取适合中国实际的相应规则。

    The monetary policy rules has integrated the merits of various different rules , choosing the relevant one which is appropriate to China .

  25. 论文的第三部分还介绍了货币政策规则的相关理论,重点介绍了泰勒规则的由来和基本模型。

    Section 3 describes the theory of monetary policy rules , mainly focusing on the origin of the Taylor Rule and its basic model .

  26. 货币政策规则包括工具规则和目标规则,工具规则包括传统的货币数量规则、泰勒规则、麦克勒姆规则。

    Monetary policy rules include instrument rules and targeting rules . Instrument rules include the traditional quantity rule , Taylor rule , McCallum rule .

  27. 本文构建含有房产的动态随机一般均衡模型,对我国货币政策规则是否关注住房价格进行了检验。

    In this paper , we introduce real estate into a DSGE model to testify whether the housing price is the focus of contemporary monetary policy .

  28. 论文从理论上对利率规则进行了分析,本文首先回顾了国外学者对于货币政策规则和相机抉择之间优劣的争论,并阐述了货币政策规则的内涵。

    Firstly , reviews the arguments of foreign scholars about which of monetary policy rules and discretion is more advantageous , and describes the connotation of monetary policy rule .

  29. 货币政策规则不仅可以成为中央银行制定货币政策的行动指南,而且可以提高货币政策的有效性、可信性和透明度。

    A monetary policy rule not only can guide the central bank to make feasible monetary policies but can improve the effectiveness , credibility and transparency of monetary policies .

  30. 货币政策规则是中央银行制定货币政策时的重要依据,货币政策应该采取单一规则还是相机抉择一直是一个值得研究的问题。

    The monetary policy rule is of great importance when central bank makes monetary policies . Choosing a single rule or discretion has always been an issue which worthies studying .