
huò pǐn
  • goods;merchandise;quality of a product;kinds or types of goods
货品 [huò pǐn]
  • [kinds or types of goods] 商品,也指商品的品种

货品[huò pǐn]
  1. 若发现货品有出入甚至破损,应当场要求承运方出具证实,这样才能在出现纠纷时更好地维护自己的权益。

    If discover kinds or types of goods has discrepancy even damaged , answer to just issue a proof when field requirement acceptance of consignment , such ability safeguard his rights and interests better when occurrence dispute .

  2. 这一种型号的货品有很多选择。

    This particular model comes with a wide range of options .

  3. 我们有各种款式各种尺码的货品。

    We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes .

  4. 可以通过互联网购买我们的货品。

    You can buy our goods over the Internet .

  5. 他转卖货品赢利。

    He resells the goods at a profit .

  6. 请把货品的发票开到我的账上。

    Invoice the goods to my account .

  7. 他们一部分的收入来自出售货品和各种服务所得。

    They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services .

  8. 这些货品定价过高。

    These goods are priced too high .

  9. 商店货品齐全,从香烟到再生厕纸应有尽有。

    The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper .

  10. 这个公司拥有自己的货车车队,大多数订购货品可以隔日送到。

    With its own fleet of trucks , the company delivers most orders overnight

  11. 他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。

    They have a huge selection of perfect , slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers , fridges and so on .

  12. 这件货品在他们巴黎的店里有货。

    This item is available in their Paris store .

  13. 货品在一周内送达。

    Goods will be delivered within one week .

  14. 如果贵公司降低品质并且发送有质量问题的货品给我们,我们将拒收。

    If you debase the quantity and deliver goods of imperfect goods to us , we will refuse to accept them .

  15. “大约80%的年度同比销售下滑可以归因于冬季货品的短缺,”首席执行官泰瑞·伧德格伦在媟体发布会上说。

    “ About   80 %   of   our   company 's   year-over-year   declines   incomparable   sales   can   be   attributed   to   shortfalls    in   cold-weather   goods , ”  said   chief executive   Teny   Lundgren   in   a   press   release .

  16. Cheapskate指手里有钱却仍然放弃优质货品转而购买廉价物品的“吝啬鬼”。

    A cheapskate is a stingy person who buys cheap instead of higher quality or better stuff , even though they might be able to afford the better .

  17. 他们对不满意的货品要求退款。

    They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods .

  18. 他们的货品是半价出售的。

    They sold their wares at half-price .

  19. 近半个世纪来,华润(ChinaResources)的业务就是在香港销售中国内地货品及大宗商品。

    For almost half a century , the business of China Resources was selling Chinese goods and commodities in Hong Kong .

  20. credit包含同货品计价和支付管理相关的元素。

    Com : : acme : : credit contains elements concerned with invoicing and credit management .

  21. 如果你不能将货品加入购物袋内,这可能是因为你的浏览器停用了「cookies」功能。

    If you are having trouble adding items to your shopping bag , you may have disabled the'cookies'function on your browser .

  22. 惠特曼:实际上eBay是用户建立起来的,因为我们并不拥有任何货品。

    Whitman : Well , the customer has many built eBay because we don 't hold any of the inventory .

  23. 烦请在所有货品包上标明本公司的英文名称简写、运送目的地及合同号码如下:KT伦敦250除非另行通知,此标记适用于所有装运的货物。

    Please mark the bales with our initials , with the destination and contract number as follows : KTLONDON250This will apply to all shipments unless otherwise instructed .

  24. 例如,货品计价交互作用点要求Invoicing接口启动价格计算器,并且发送运送价格。

    For example , the invoicing interaction point requires the Invoicing interface to initiate price calculations and send the shipping price .

  25. 最后通过获取不同的出入库货品数据信息,使用MATLAB遗传算法工具箱进行仿真,从仿真图形可以看出立体仓库的存取效率明显提高,堆垛机的运行时间在优化前后明显缩短。

    Then using MATLAB of GA emulates the cellular optimization and path optimization . Form the emulated pictures , it shows that the efficiency of access to warehouse is improved obviously , and stacker running time is much shorter than that before optimized .

  26. processInvoice行动的目标输入插口就是货品计价端口。

    The target input pin of the processInvoice action is the invoicing port .

  27. 顾客须保留UNIQLO的货品标签,在商品完整及清洁的状态下可以换货一次。

    Products can be exchanged provided that the products are in new , clean condition with UNIQLO tags , however , only once .

  28. 他们亲自挑选货品,他们交易、选货、包装并运输,负责自己的客户服务,实际上eBay所有的货种全是他们列出来的。

    They pick the inventory , they merchandise it , they pick , pack and ship it , they handle their own customer support and they actually list all of the items on eBay .

  29. OrderProcessor服务提供者提供了购买服务,并具有对货品计价、时间表和货运服务的请求。

    The OrderProcessor service provider provides the purchasing service , and has requisitions for invoicing , scheduling , and shipping services .

  30. 请注意这同InvoicingService服务规范所指定的货品计价协议是一致的。

    Notice that this is consistent with the invoicing protocol as specified by the InvoicingService service specification .