
huò yùn dān jù
  • shipping document
  1. 货运单据已分别寄给买方。

    The shipping document have be each send to the buyer .

  2. 随函附上珍珠号货轮装载的棉布发货票与货运单据,请查收。

    We now have the pleasure to enclose the invoice and shipping document of the cotton fabric cargo per s.s. " pearl " .

  3. 斯里瓦斯塔瓦称,离开机场后,这些人驱车带他来到宁波的一家小旅馆,把他强行扣留在那里,直到goldarrow同意将价值35万美元的货运单据寄给中国客户。

    Mr Srivastav says that after being taken from the airport they drove him to a small hotel in Ningbo and held him there against his will until goldarrow agreed to send shipping documents worth $ 350000 to the Chinese customer .

  4. M:那必须附加上货运单据。

    M : Then the shipping documents have to be attached .

  5. 不附货运单据的汇票单据和包裹一起来的。

    Bill unaccompanied by document The bill came along with the package .

  6. 我们需要对钢板的通关货运单据(原件)。

    We need the shipping documents ( originals ) for Customs clearance of steel plates .

  7. 一收到货运单据,货款必须全数一次付清。

    The total amount mush be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents .

  8. 贵方没有把装箱单和其他货运单据一起寄来,这使我们大为其难。

    We are greatly embarrass by your omission to enclose the packing list with other document .

  9. 议付行将汇票和货运单据寄开证行(或其指定的付款行)索偿。

    Seller presents the repuied documents to the advising or conpliance bank to be processed for payment .

  10. 受票人对即期汇票付款后收到货运单据,这一行为称为付款交单;

    Receiving the documents when the Sight Bill is paid is called " Documents against Payment " .

  11. 不附货运单据的汇票

    Bill unaccompanied by document

  12. 核对货运单据确保交货地址的准确性,应在货运司机在场时执行。

    Check of shipping documents for accuracy of delivery address is carried out in presence of the drive .

  13. 装船同时贵方应将货运单据副本寄送目的港。

    You should send one copy of the shipping documents to the port of destination together with the shipment .

  14. 当银行收到货运单据后,他们会按照不可撤销信用证付款。

    When the bank receives the shipping documents , they 'll pay you according to the irrevocable letter of credit .

  15. 如果我们在1个月内没有出具货运单据,货款将返还给买家。

    If we do not present the shipping documents within one month , the funds will be returned to Buyer .

  16. 全套清洁无疵货运单据,包括买方指定的运输公司代理行提单。

    A complete set of clean shipping documents including the bill of lading of the forwarding agency designated by the Buyer .

  17. 货物装运之后,卖方应立即向买方航寄提交全套货运单据。

    Have loaded the goods on the carryon vessel , the seller shall at once present a full set of shipping document to the buyer .

  18. 在收到货运单据后,买方即按合同规定,支付了全部合同价的90%。

    The buyer paid 90 % of the price payable under each of the contracts upon presentation of the shipping documents , as contractually agreed .

  19. 他们将这家杂货店全部货物列了一份清单。一收到货运单据,货款必须全数一次付清。

    They checked out all the goods in the grocery store . The total amount mush be paid in full upon receipt of the shipping documents .

  20. 货运单据表明,货物在装运时是完好无损的,所以说,货物的受损一定是在途中发生的。

    855 . The shipping documents can prove that the goods , when shipped , were in perfect condition . They must have been damaged en route .

  21. 本信用证凭卖方出具的即期汇票,以开证行为付款人,以90%票面价值议付,并随附货运单据。

    The credit shall be available against sellers'draft ( s ) drawn at sight on the opening bank for90 % invoice value accompanied by the shipping documents .

  22. 受票人对汇票付款或者承兑后,银行就把货运单据交给买方,使之能在进口货物抵达码头后去提货。

    When the drawee pays or accepts the bill , the bank gives him the documents that allow him to collect the goods from the quay when they arrive .

  23. 在你决定购买日用品之后,选择哪个结账口付款不重要。受票人对即期汇票付款后收到货运单据,这一行为称为付款交单;

    After you decide to buy groceries , the particular check-out aisle you select may not be important . Receiving the documents when the Sight Bill is paid is called " Documents against Payment " .