
huò wù tuō yùn
  • consignment of goods
  1. 从theDGHarmony案看英美法下海上危险货物托运人归责原则之演进

    An analysis of the principle of imputation for the shipper in respect of dangerous goods shipped by sea in common law countries by way of the DG Harmony case

  2. 铁路行政许可授权电子政务信息系统是针对成都铁路局下辖铁路危险货物托运、危险货物承运、超限超长超重集重货物承运、铁路道口施工资格申请与审核的一套Web信息系统。

    The railway administrative licensed e-government information system is a web information system designed for the application and audit of the dangerous goods consignment , dangerous goods carriage , overloaded overlong overweight container carriage and railroad crossing construction qualification under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Railway Bureau .

  3. 所有费用请记入货物托运人帐上。

    All the expenses incurred will be charged to the shipper 's account .

  4. 海上危险货物托运人通知义务和责任

    Shippers ' Duty of Notice and Related Liability in Shipment of Dangerous Goods by Sea

  5. 本商行以纸箱或者透明袋的方式进行打包托运,如顾客有特别要求,可以在货物托运前说明。

    Our firm transparent bags or cardboard boxes to the form of packaged consignments , if customers have special requirements may note before the shipment of goods .

  6. 你有两个选择:等待一个月后的货物托运送来替代工具,或者在月球上动手制作。

    You have two choices : wait for a replacement tool in the next cargo shipment a month away , or just make one on the spot .

  7. 海上危险货物运输托运人的一项特殊义务是危险货物的通知义务。

    The particular duty of the shipper in contract of carriage of dangerous goods by sea is the duty of notice .

  8. 台州到广州豪华客车,每天发车,全程高速,并承接小件货物客车托运,欢迎乘坐!

    Taizhou to guangzhou luxury bus , start the whole day , full high-speed , And undertake small goods coach checked , welcome to take !

  9. 货物由铁路托运给你。

    The goods were consigned to you by railway .

  10. 货物已由铁路托运。

    The goods were consigned by railway .

  11. 货物已交铁路托运。

    The goods have been consigned by rail .

  12. 我们最好把货物由海陆挂号托运到巴西。

    We 'd better have the sea cargo registered to Brazil .

  13. 货物已由铁路托运,现在应已到达。

    The goods were consigned to you by railway and shall have arrived by now .

  14. 当承运人或实际承运人接管货物时,应托运人要求,承运人必须给托运人签发提单。

    When the carrier or the actual carrier takes the goods in his charge , the carrier must , on demand of the shipper , issue to the shipper a bill of lading .

  15. 承运人依照前款规定享有的受偿权利,不影响其根据货物运输合同对托运人以外的人所承担的责任。

    The carrier 's right to indemnification as provided for in the preceding paragraph shall not affect the obligation of the carrier under the contract of carriage of goods towards those other than the shipper .

  16. 通过对海上货物运输合同中托运人、承运人及收货人等各方的利益冲突及其平衡问题的分析,对有关的理论和实践提出自己的看法,并对相冲突处提出修改建议。

    Through analyzing the benefit conflict and balance between the parties in marine goods transportation contract , such as shipper , carrier and consignee etc. , own views on relevant theory and practice are raised out , modification proposals on conflicts are raised out as well .

  17. 承揽货物、组织货载,办理货物、集装箱的托运和中转;

    Contracting goods for shipping , organizing cargo , and handling the consignment and transshipment of goods and containers ;

  18. 在下述期间,承运人应被视为已经掌管货物:自承运人从下述各方接管货物时起:托运人或代其行事的人;

    The carrier is deemed to be charge of the goods from the time he has taken over the goods from ; the shipper , or a person acting on his behalf ;