
  1. 欧洲央行(ecb)、美联储(fed)和英国央行(boe)的优势在于,他们大部分的资产和债务可以用同一种货币计价。

    The European Central Bank , Federal Reserve and Bank of England have the advantage of denominating the bulk of their assets and liabilities in the same currencies .

  2. 资产管理公司LoomisSayles的全球固定收益联席经理戴维•罗利(DavidRolley)说,以当地货币计价的新兴市场债券有更大的投资机会,当然,其价格波动性可能也更大。

    David Rolley , co-head of the global fixed-income group at money manager Loomis Sayles , says local currency bonds offer more opportunity than those denominated in U.S. dollars , though investors should expect more volatile price swings . '

  3. 领先期货经纪商新际集团(newedge)的亚太业务负责人洛朗库宁(laurentcunin)表示,新合约很可能以人民币和美元两种货币计价,但目前尚不清楚这种合约是否将通过实物交割来进行结算。

    Laurent cunin , head of Asia-Pacific for Newedge , a leading futures broker , said that it was likely that the new contract would be dual-denominated in Renminbi and US dollars , but that it was not yet clear whether the contract would be settled by physical delivery .

  4. 许多亚洲政府都在发行以本国货币计价的债券。

    A number of Asian governments issue bonds in their own currencies .

  5. 在正常的情况下,各大央行仅提供以本国货币计价的贷款。

    Normally , central banks only make loans in their domestic currencies .

  6. 亚洲以本地货币计价的金融债和企业债的发行规模也较去年全年增长了约40%。

    Local currency financial and corporate bond issuance is about 40 per cent ahead of last year .

  7. 随之而来的是欺骗性越来越强的信贷工具呈螺旋式扩散,这些信贷工具是以一种贬值的货币计价的。

    What followed was a spiralling proliferation of increasingly spurious credit instruments denominated in a debased currency .

  8. 外汇便利:区内企业交易实施便利的货币计价制度。

    Convenient Settlement : Enterprises in FTPA can open current foreign exchange account and capital exchange account .

  9. 其次,主权国家以本国货币计价的债务是无法违约的,因此对其进行评级缺乏意义。

    Second , the rating of a sovereign that cannot default on debt in its own currency means little .

  10. 除此以外,还有一种选择是,这些银行能借入以本国货币计价的资金,然后利用外汇掉期交易来对冲汇兑风险。

    Alternatively , they can borrow in their native currency and then use foreign exchange swaps to hedge the currency risk .

  11. 从非居民发行、以亚太货币计价的债券数目来看,日元债券有79220种,人民币只有4种。

    The number of bonds denominated in Asia-Pacific currencies issued by non-residents ranges from 79220 in Japanese yen to four in Renminbi .

  12. 而一旦以大宗商品生产国的货币计价(比如澳元或是巴西雷亚尔),景象便截然不同了。

    The picture looks different when measured in the currency of commodity producers , such as the Australian dollar or the Brazilian real .

  13. 以新货币计价的物价水平肯定会飙升,但由于产能处于过剩状态,因此在一定的外部帮助下,恶性通胀是可以避免的。

    The price level would jump in the new currency , but , given the excess capacity , hyperinflation could be avoided with some external support .

  14. 多数奢侈品公司发现,尽管它们的成本大多以欧元计价,但它们有至多80%的收入是以其它货币计价。

    Most luxury companies find themselves with the majority of their costs in euros but up to 80 per cent of their revenues in other currencies .

  15. 这些银行曾一度能兑现这个诺言,因为它们可以低价借入以某一货币计价的资金,然后以其他更高利率货币计价的资金借出。

    For a time , the banks were able to deliver on their promises as they borrowed cheaply in one currency and lent in others that carried higher interest rates .

  16. 今年至今,以美元计价的新兴市场债券的回报率接近12%,比以当地货币计价的此类债券高出近四个百分点。

    So far this year , emerging-market bonds denominated in U.S. dollars have returned close to 12 % , nearly four percentage points more than such bonds denominated in local currencies .

  17. 很多经济学家对这种谅解不以为然油价实际上由供需决定,不应受到以何种货币计价的影响。

    Many economists play down such agreements the price of oil should not be affected by what currency it is priced in , determined as it is by supply and demand .

  18. 它的债务是以本国货币计价的;虽然进口价格的上升可能推高通胀率,但外国公司往往会调整价格,以保住在美国的市场份额。

    Its debts are denominated in its own currency , and while rising import prices could push up inflation , foreign firms tend to price to keep their share of the US market .

  19. 她说:美元升值还为某些银行、企业和家庭的资产负债表带来压力,他们的债务以美元计价,资产或收益却以其他货币计价。

    The appreciation of the US dollar is also putting pressure on balance sheets of banks , firms and households that borrow in dollars but have assets or earnings in other currencies , she said .

  20. 大约两年前,一些大型企业和富有的个人开始认真地询问:“如果欧元解体,我的资产或者合约应该使用哪种货币计价?”

    About two years ago some large businesses and wealthy individuals began seriously to ask , " if the euros were to unwind , in which currency would my asset or contract be denominated ? "

  21. 亚洲充斥着大量资金,这些资金能够、也应该留在本地区,资助基础设施的建设,而不是流向其他地区,购买肯定会贬值的货币计价的证券。

    There is a lot of Asian money that could and should stay in the region and help finance infrastructure , rather than going abroad and buying paper securities in currencies whose value will surely erode over time .

  22. 美国国债看起来比其他任何资产都便宜&而且这些债券是以目前最受追捧的货币美元计价的。

    US government bonds look cheap versus everything else & and they are denominated in the currency of choice , the US dollar .

  23. 本章围绕着货币的计价和结算职能、交易便利性、货币公信力等特性,阐述了国际货币竞争地位的决定因素。

    The paper revolves the determinants of the currency around currency valuation and settlement functions , ease of trading , currency credibility and other features .

  24. 然而,她没有把这些以第二生命的虚拟货币&林登元计价的利润兑换成真钱,而是将它们重新投资于新的虚拟土地和开发中。

    However , she chose not to convert her profits , which were in Linden dollars , Second Life 's synthetic currency , into real dollars . Instead she continued reinvesting in new virtual land and development .

  25. 如果再考虑到与日俱增的外汇储备、以本国货币而不是美元计价的债务和灵活的汇率(中国是明显的例外),对新兴经济体的热捧看上去几乎是合理的。

    Add in bulging foreign exchange reserves , debt denominated in domestic currency rather than dollars and ( with China the big exception ) flexible exchange rates , and the hype surrounding emerging economies seems almost reasonable .

  26. 如果发展中国家能够借到以本国货币(或一篮子关联货币)计价的债务,背负巨额债务负担的国家就会减少。

    If developing countries could borrow in their own currencies ( or in baskets of correlated currencies ) , fewer countries would find themselves with massive debt burdens .

  27. 然后,迅速地制定出计划,实质是一夜之间就向众人宣布国内货币数量需由新采用的货币重新计价,我们把他叫做德拉克马。一欧元相当于一德拉克马。

    And then , enacting that plan very quickly , essentially overnight , announcing to the populous that domestic monetary amounts have been redenominated into a new currency , let 's call it the drachma , at one for one .

  28. 由于基金经理已寻求通过新兴市场货币的升值获得额外的回报,以当地货币计价的债券对他们尤其有吸引力。

    Local currency denominated bonds have proved particularly attractive as fund managers have sought additional returns through the appreciation of emerging market currencies .

  29. 商业银行的货币错配是由于一个银行在经营活动中部分业务使用不同的货币计价,造成资产和负债的币值结构不同,导致其净值或净收入对汇率波动的敏感性。

    Currency mismatch is due to an economic entities use different currencies in payment activities , resulting in a different currency structure of assets and liabilities , cause the net worth or net income sensitivity to exchange rate fluctuations .