
  • 网络Chinese Landscape
  1. 功能,技术与现代&浅析中国景观建筑学的理论基础

    Function , technology and modern-the basic theory of Chinese landscape architecture

  2. 文章分析了当前中国景观建筑学的实践和问题。

    This article analyzes the practice and problem of Chinese landscape architecture .

  3. 当代中国景观设计的文化意义表现为两个方面。

    Contemporary Chinese cultural significance of landscape design showed two aspects .

  4. 中国景观艺术发展初探

    A Study on the Development of the Landscape Art in China

  5. 创始人寄语做中国景观规划设计行业的先锋!

    Do the vanguard of the Chinese landscape design profession !

  6. 景观生态学的学科整合与中国景观生态学展望

    Unification of Landscape Ecology Discipline and Developing Expectation of Landscape Ecology in China

  7. 关于中国景观建筑专业教育的思考

    Some Thoughts on Landscape Architecture Education in China

  8. 当代中国景观设计寻根之路

    The Searching Road for Modern Chinese Landscape Design

  9. 道法自然是中国景观艺术和设计的指导原则。

    The Taoist school ideas are the guiding principles in Chinese landscape art and design .

  10. 畅想中国景观建筑

    Projecting Chinese landscape architecture

  11. 中国景观规划设计理论体系正在从不同方向和角度形成,发展和深入。

    In China , theoretical system of landscape architectural planning and designing is forming , further developing from different angles .

  12. 运用了哲学、美学、生态学、景观学等相关理论对中国景观设计的需求、现状、特征等作了进一步的分析,并从经济、文化、技术的层面综合分析当今城市设计需要关注的要点。

    The needs , status and features was farther analyzed by the theory of philosophy , aesthetics , ecology and landscape .

  13. 近年来,中国景观行业在经济的发展和人类环境意识的提高下空前繁荣起来。

    In recent years , economic development and increase in public awareness of human environment have brought unprecedented prosperity to landscape industry .

  14. 当中国景观正在失语于世界景观设计的浪潮中时,本土化问题的研究就显得日益严峻。

    When the Chinese landscape is the landscape design of aphasia in the wave of the world , the localization of the problem becomes increasingly serious .

  15. 如何重拾传统精髓,创造具有时代精神的现代中国景观,成为中国当代设计师们的当务之急。

    How to revive the essence of traditional and create the modern Chinese landscape which shows the spirit of time are becoming the priority of contemporary designers in China .

  16. 对城市景观审美与设计理论问题进行了重点梳理,探索当代中国景观的创作之路。

    Moreover , the paper coordinates the question of the landscape taste and design theory in order to searching for the real road of the landscape design in China .

  17. 本文就是通过对大量中国景观案例的研究和分析,带领大家领略残缺美在中国景观中的塑造。

    This paper is based on study and analysis a large amount of cases of Chinese landscape , leading everyone to enjoy the misshapen beauty in Chinese landscape creation .

  18. 我决定尝试这种想法通过显示这两幅画,其中一个是中国景观我写作班和一个美国绘画中的现实主义风格。

    I decided to experiment with this idea by showing my writing class two paintings , one a Chinese landscape and one an American painting in the realistic style .

  19. 通过对各种中国景观建筑的形式、布局等的介绍,阐明了景观建筑在园林景观中所起的作用和对园林景观的影响。

    The paper introduces the style and layout of different kinds of Chinese landscape buildings , and explain the function and effect of landscape building in the landscape garden design .

  20. 通过大量的景观实例和诗文,从自然景观和人文景观两方面论述中国景观中的残缺美现象。

    It discusses the pheromones of incomplete beauty within the Chinese landscapes from two aspects which are natural landscape and humanities landscape , through a large number of examples and verses from the landscape .

  21. 文章从景观含义的转变入手,分析了国外景观规划的发展方向,进而提出了中国景观规划面临的问题及其未来发展的方向。

    This thesis begins with the transformation of the meaning of landscape , analyses the direction of landscape in foreign countries , then put forward problems that landscape planning faces to in China , and the future development direction .

  22. 介绍了当前国际景观生态学研究的热点问题和热点地区,并就中国景观生态学发展的方向和任务提出了作者的看法。

    Finally , some opinions on the developing directions and missions of landscape ecology were suggested to improve the development of landscape ecology in China . The key point is the development of the landscape construction ecology to present characteristic of Chinese landscape ecology .

  23. 而传统文化继承的断裂使得现今中国景观设计者在面对自己所拥有的有着无限内涵的古典园林遗产时感到无所适从,在消化融合直至与现代景观设计相结合上仍处于艰难的实践探索期。

    The breaking the traditional cultural heritage makes modern Chinese landscape designer in the face of a quandary when they have unlimited connotation Classical Gardens Heritage how to inherit , and carry forward the classical gardens of outstanding achievements is still in a difficult practical exploration .

  24. 论文希望通过对20世纪60年代西方景观设计思潮的理论研究和这些思潮影响下的当代中国景观设计的调查研究,为今后的景观设计提供新的参考,促进景观设计向更加合理的方向发展。

    The paper hoped that through studying the western landscape architecture design thoughts of 1960 's and Chinese up-to - date landscape design which in the influence of the ideology could afford some new references and advance the development of landscape design forward more rational direction .

  25. 西北干旱区是中国景观脆弱性程度较高的地区,本文从自然背景和社会背景两个方面探讨了西北干旱区景观脆弱性的成因,并试图寻求景观整治的合理对策。

    The northwest arid area is specially related to fragile landscape in China . In this paper , the causes of the landscape fragility were mainly studied , namely , natural background and social background , and some suitable measures for landscape rehabilitation of the area were identified .

  26. 本土文化对中国现代景观设计的启示

    Local Culture in the Apocalypse of China 's Modern Landscape Design

  27. 论中国乡村景观评价的理论基础与指标体系

    Theoretical Base and Evaluating Indicator System of Rural Landscape Assessment in China

  28. 论21世纪中国旅游景观建设的走向开发资源与保护环境并举

    On the Exploitation of Agricultural Tourism Resources EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTION

  29. 试论中国园林景观意境的创造

    Study on the artistic conception in Chinese landscape architectural design

  30. 论中国乡村景观及乡村景观规划

    Discussions on Rural Land-scape and Rural Landscape Planning in China