
  1. 不久后,巴罗佐主席将率团访华,今年10月,第八次亚欧首脑会议和第十三次中欧领导人会晤将在布鲁塞尔举行。

    There will be ASEM and13th China-EU Summit in October in Brussels .

  2. 天下午,我将赶赴布拉格,参与定于明天举行的第十一次中欧领导人会晤。

    In a few hours , Ill leave for Prague for the11th China-EU summit .

  3. 我想说明,关于即将举行中欧领导人会晤的建议不是捷克方面一家提出的。

    Let me draw your attention to the fact that the upcoming China-EU Summit was not proposed by the Czech Republic alone .

  4. 前不久,第十次中欧领导人会晤在北京成功举行,达成了广泛共识。

    A few days ago , the10th China-EU Leaders'Meeting was successfully held in Beijing , during which the two sides reached broad agreement , he added .

  5. 去年第十二次中欧领导人会晤决定提升气候变化伙伴关系,强化双方在气候变化领域的政策对话和务实合作。

    At the12th China-EU Summit last year , the two sides decided to upgrade such partnership and strengthen policy dialogue and practical cooperation in the field of climate change .

  6. 那次访问有一个重要成果,就是在布鲁塞尔我同欧方领导人商定尽早恢复举行中欧领导人会晤。

    The visit produced an important outcome , which is , European leaders and I agreed in Brussels to resume the China-EU Summit as soon as possible . I 've kept my promise .