
  • 网络China Population Association;Population Association of China
  1. 中国人口学会2012年以来的数据显示,有4000万人患有不孕不育,占育龄人口的12.5%。

    China Population Association statistics from 2012 showed 40 million people with fertility issues , accounting for around 12.5 percent of the population at child-bearing age .

  2. 根据中国人口学会2012年底的数据,我国不孕不育患者已达4000万人,占到20岁至49岁人口的12.5%。

    According to statistics released by the China Population Association at the end of 2012 , 40m people have fertility issues , accounting for 12.5 % of the population aged between 20 and 49 .

  3. 据中国妇女儿童发展中心以及中国人口学会所说,2012年,有12%的生育年龄女性无法生育,20年前这一数字仅为3%。

    According to the China Woman and Child Development Center and the China Population Association , in 2012 some 12 percent of women of child-bearing age were infertile , while the two decades earlier the figure was only at 3 percent .