
  • 网络Rush Hour;PEAK TIME;RushHour
  1. 他们之前合作的影片《红番区》、《尖峰时刻》以及《神话》等都非常成功。

    Their previous hits include Rumble in the Bronx , Rush Hour and The Myth .

  2. 而今他的奋不顾身得到了“尖峰时刻”的回报。

    Now it 's the " rush hour " to be repaid for that devotion for him .

  3. 我们抢先在交通尖峰时刻前离开。

    We left early to beat the rush-hour traffic .

  4. 你今天早上是准时上班,还是被尖峰时刻的塞车给耽误了?

    Did you get to work on time this morning , or did rush hour traffic delay you ?

  5. 广设自助邮局及自助式机具,弥补尖峰时刻及假日用邮服务。

    Set up self-service machine and post office widely for making up rush hours and holidays mail services .

  6. 在《尖峰时刻3》中,李(成龙饰)和卡特(塔克)这两位搭档再次聚首。

    In Rush Hour 3 , partners Lee ( Chan ) and Carter ( Tucker ) are back together .

  7. 我喜欢的电影嘛,像《兰博》、《虎胆龙威》、《尖峰时刻》这类动作片,知道了吧。

    The movies I like ? Action movies like Rambo , Die Hard , Rush Hour * you get the idea .

  8. 而今《尖峰时刻》就如同当李小龙的《猛龙过江》所创造的神话那样,成龙已成为家喻户晓的名字。

    Now Rush Hour has turned Jackie Chan into a family label the way Enter the Dragon prefabricated a romance of doc Lee .

  9. 58岁的成龙在会场外非常低调。他因《尖峰时刻》系列影片及《警察故事》而为西方观众所熟知。

    The 58-year-old , famous in the West for the Rush Hour series and Police Story , kept a low profile outside the meeting .

  10. 联通2003:尖峰时刻在棒材生产中,实施低温轧制将使轧制负荷增加,甚至会出现尖峰负荷现象。

    2003 : Critical Year for China Unicom In production of bar , low temperature rolling would increase rolling load and appear the limit rolling load .

  11. 武术家、《尖峰时刻》明星成龙和中国选美冠军吴绮莉的女儿吴卓林宣布,她出柜了,并为自己是同性恋而自豪。

    Etta Ng , the estranged daughter of martial artist and " Rush Hour " star Jackie Chan and Chinese beauty queen Elaine Ng Yi-Lei , says she 's an out and proud lesbian .

  12. 他还在继续尝试,然而,以后拍摄的《神奇燕尾服》、《飞龙再生》、《环游地球80天》却没有一部可以超越《尖峰时刻》和《上海正午》的成绩的。

    He continued to try , however , making The Tuxedo , The Medallion , and Around the World in 80 Days , none of which was the blockbuster that Rush Hour or Shanghai Noon had been .

  13. 1978年他主演的《醉拳》和《警察故事》系列,开启了他在国内的职业生涯,而警察动作喜剧片《红番区》和《尖峰时刻》则助他登上了国际舞台。

    Hits such as 1978 's The Drunken Master and the Police Story series launched his career at home , while police action comedies including Rumble in the Bronx and the Rush Hour trilogy made him an international star .

  14. 燃烧初期放热尖峰出现时刻对应的曲轴转角有所提前,瞬时放热率峰值下降;柴油机燃烧放热率的计算

    The peak value of initial heat release is decreased and its corresponding crank angle moves close to the top-dead-center along with the increased combustion duration . The Calculation of the Heat Release Rates in Diesel Engine