
chuǎi duó
  • Speculation;estimate;reckon;conjecture;appraise
揣度 [chuǎi duó]
  • [estimate;appraise] 考虑估量

  • 凡人之举事,莫不先以其知,规虑揣度,而后敢以定谋。--《淮南子.人间训》

揣度[chuǎi duó]
  1. 多萝茜心里明白,自己最大的一个毛病,就是爱揣度别人秘而不宣的动机。

    Dorothy knew that one of her worst faults was to suspect ulterior motives in others .

  2. 遗传物质DNA的证据剖明,年夜该物种的脚趾甲、獠牙和极好的记忆力揣度,蹄兔极有可能是年夜象家族中的一个小成员。

    Alongside DNA evidence , the creature 's toenails , tusks and excellent memory make it a good candidate for being a tiny member of the elephant family .

  3. 一些不能以常理揣度的东西。

    Something that didn 't quite add up in the usual way .

  4. 格里夫紧张地想从老板脸上揣度他的性恪。

    Tensely Grief was trying to estimate the boss ' character from his face .

  5. 我看着他强抑住自己的愤怒,看着他的眼神变得揣度起来。

    I watched him repress the anger , watched as his eyes grew speculative .

  6. 至于在不同的政治气候下是否会出现这种经济的发展,那只能任各人揣度了。

    Whether these economic developments could have occurred under different political auspices can only be guessed at .

  7. 让大伙揣度猜测了几个月之后,罗伯特·帕丁森终于站出来承认自己正与《暮光之城》的女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特谈恋爱。

    After months of speculation , Robert Pattinson has finally confirmed he is dating his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart .

  8. 我过去常帮年轻夫妇操持家务,可我揣度着这家是我见过门户最小的人家。

    I 'm used to working for young couples , but I spec this is the smallest house I ever worked in .

  9. 我挂上了电话筒,揣度着是否肯尼迪或迈肯恩参议员曾经在收工回家的路上买过捕蚁器。

    I hung up the receiver , wondering if Ted Kennedy or John McCain bought ant traps on the way home from work .

  10. 在夜总会这一行,永远会有男人热切地投身进来,压根儿不是为了钱(个中原因留给读者自己揣度吧)。

    With nightclubs , there are always men who are keen to get involved for non-financial reasons ( I leave readers to speculate why ) .

  11. 在听的同时,请注意对两位应试者的语言进行比较,并揣度一下谁会被录用。

    As you listen , pay attention to the language they use to compare the two interviewees and to decide which one is the best fit .

  12. 马莉娅曾在今年3月时造访美国东岸的哈佛与几间其他的常春藤盟校及文理学院,引发了人们对她意中学校的揣度。

    Malia visited Harvard and a handful of other Ivy League and liberal arts schools last March on the East Coast , setting off speculation about where she might go .

  13. 中国如谜,难以揣度。中国经济发展究竟是在放缓,还是在加速,投资者、经济学家,甚至北京的决策人都意见不一。

    It is a measure of the conundrum that is China that investors , economists and even policy-makers in Beijing are divided about whether the economy is slowing down or speeding up .

  14. 麦肯锡公司的手下败将、抑或其著名的裁员建议的受害者正在兴高采烈地揣度这则丑闻将给这家富有传奇色彩的咨询公司带来怎样的影响。

    Those who have competed unsuccessfully against McKinsey or perhaps been a victim of its well-known downsizing advice have been licking their chops at just what this means for the fabled consultancy itself .

  15. 我们还想瞒住凯瑟琳;但她的机灵可是骗不过她自己;她暗自揣度着,深思着那可怕的可能性,而那可能性已渐渐地成熟为必然性了。

    Catherine , we would fain have deluded yet : but her own quick spirit refused to delude her : it divined in secret , and brooded on the dreadful probability , gradually ripening into certainty .

  16. 优秀的领导者不会以自己想得到的方式去对待他人,相反,他们会把“黄金法则”更进一步,揣度每人之所想,以他人想要的方式待人。

    Great leaders don 't treat people how they themselves want to be treated . Instead , they take the Golden Rule a step further and treat each person as he or she would like to be treated .

  17. 国外某些文章虽可能没有恶意,但却用西方特有的经验和他们的国际关系理论来衡量和揣度中国,从而得出中国不可能和平崛起的错误结论。

    Some articles may have no evil intention , but consider China according to their peculiar experience and international relation theories , and have hence drawn the wrong conclusion that it is impossible for China to arise in peace .

  18. 但是前额叶皮层长时间工作会产生疲劳,使我们更多的倚靠大脑中构造较为简单的部分,例如岛叶皮层,这样人们揣度商品价值的能力因而降低。

    But relying on it for long periods is tiring , causing us to revert to more primitive parts of the brain , like the insular cortex , which are no good when it comes to judging value for money .
