
  • 网络Engineering benefits;Expected Benefits
  1. 工程实践表明,下荆江裁弯工程是按照蜿蜒性河段演变规律改造下荆江的治本工程,取得了预期工程效益,但也出现了一些原来认识不足的问题。

    The project practice shows that the river cut-off is the works to thoroughly transform the lower Jingjiang river in accordance with the evolution law of meandering reaches , and has achieved expected benefits , but there arise some problems which were not recognized enough before .

  2. 基于3S技术的阿坝县退牧还草工程效益监测

    Benefit monitor of ceasing herding engineering of Aba County based on " 3S " technology

  3. 10kV配网及低压电网建设工程效益评估方法探讨

    Project benefit evaluation of constructing ( rebuilding ) 10 kV distributing and low voltage network

  4. 荒漠化防治工程效益模糊综合评价模型

    The Fuzzy Synthetic Appraisal Mode of Benefit of Combating Desertification Project

  5. 安徽省林业重点工程效益评价

    Assessment of the Benefits of Key Forest Project in Anhui Province

  6. 防洪工程效益的分析与计算

    Analysis and calculations of the profit brought by the preventing flood engineering

  7. 退耕还林工程效益评价案例分析&以湖北省秭归县中坝村为案例

    Case Study on Benefits Evaluation of Grain for Green Project

  8. 高等级公路路域生态恢复工程效益分析

    Analysis on Benefits of Ecological Recovery Project for Highway Area

  9. 盐场柴油机改为电动机工程效益分析

    Analysis of project benefits of diesel engine changed to motor of salt field

  10. 考虑风险影响的工程效益计算方法

    Calculation method of engineering benefit in consideration of risk

  11. 榆树市义和电灌区工程效益评价

    Benefit and effect evaluation for Yihe electricity irrigation district projects in YuShu City

  12. 河道整治工程效益评价方法研究

    Research on the evaluation method of the benefit of river channel hardness projects

  13. 内蒙古地区退耕还林(草)工程效益浅析

    Analysis on Benefits of Program for Returning Cropland to Forestry in Inner Mongolia

  14. 中国西北地区退耕还林工程效益监测与评价

    Effective Monitoring and Evaluation of the Land Conversion Program in Chinese Northwest Region

  15. 论中国海岸带大米草生态工程效益与生态入侵

    A Discussion of Ecological Engineering Benefits of Spartina spp and Its Ecological Invasion

  16. 辽宁数字测震台网建设成果与工程效益

    Liaoning digital seismic network construction and engineering effective results

  17. 肇源县中心抽水站技术改造工程效益分析

    The analysis on technical reformation project profit of center pump station in Zhaoyuan County

  18. 制造业信息化工程效益评价方法研究及实例分析

    Evaluation of the Efficiency of Manufacture Information Engineering

  19. 退耕还林工程效益的监测与评价是社会各界密切关注的问题。

    CCFP in effective monitoring and evaluation is a close concern of the community .

  20. 水库移民与水电工程效益共享安置模式研究

    Mutual Benefits of Reservoir Resettlements and Hydropower Project

  21. 乡村供水工程效益的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Benefits of Rural Water-Supply Project

  22. 河南省天然林保护工程效益评价分析

    An Assessment on the Benefit of the Natural Forest Protection Project in Henan Province

  23. 吉林西部农村庭院经济型生态工程效益浅析

    On the Economical Type Ecological Engineering Efficiency of the West Rural Courtyard in Jilin Province

  24. 防洪工程效益可靠性评价

    Reliability analysis of flood control project benefit

  25. 参加组员:各层次上组员应均是骨干并完全能为工程效益效力。

    Participant : all participants shall be cadre and competent to bring efficiency to the project .

  26. 宁夏中北部土地开发整理重大工程效益评价

    The benefit evaluation of major project of land development and rearrangement in the north central Ningxia

  27. 从西湖叶绿素a的变化浅析西湖综合保护工程效益

    Primary Study on Effects of Restoration Projects on the West Lake from Variation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration

  28. 退耕还林(草)工程效益监测与评估技术

    Discussion on effects monitoring for returning farmland to forest project and its assessment techniques in Gansu province

  29. 宁夏盐池半荒漠区沙漠化土地综合治理生态工程效益评价

    Evaluation of eco-engineering benefits about tackling desert problem of semi-desert region of Yanchi , Ningxia in comprehensive way

  30. 对YSH-人工湿地系统处理造纸废水的工艺及工程效益进行了分析。

    The technology and engineering benefits of wastewater from paper making with YSH-constructed wetland system was studied experimentally .