
  • 网络Namhsan
  1. 保山地区位于三江蜂腰构造南部散开端,因其在地史发展过程中长期处于构造相对稳定的状态,人们并未把该区作为探寻块状硫化物矿床的重点。

    Baoshan is located in the southern part of the ' Bee-Waist-Structure ' of the Three-River area and it is relatively stable in it 's geological history , so it 's not the emphasis of finding massive sulfide deposits .

  2. 湛江港一区南一期工程散杂货泊位裂损情况简介

    A Brief Introduction to the Cracking Condition of Bulk and General Cargo Wharf at Port Zhanjiang

  3. 2002-2003年,该疾病在世界范围内流行,此后,可能是因为与携带病毒的动物接触,在我国南部持续出现散在的病例。

    After the worldwide SARS epidemic in 2002-2003 , sporadic cases continued to arise in southern China , possibly because of human contact with the animal reservoir .