
zhèn líng
  • ring;call
振铃[zhèn líng]
  1. 其重建图象与传统线性子带分解法相比,不会受振铃效应(ringeffect)的影响。

    Compared with the classical QMF subband filters , it will not be affected by ring effect .

  2. 一项技术,用于判断哪一个工作站将激活FDDI振铃。

    A technique used to determine which station will initialize an FDDI ring .

  3. 本文采用基于模糊变换理论提出的Fuzzy滤波器对振铃效应进行处理。

    The Fuzzy filter based on the fuzzy transformation theory is employed to reduce ringing effect .

  4. 单芯片的讲话,拨号和振铃功能的电话IC。

    One-chip telephone IC with speech , dialler and ringer functions .

  5. 利用着色Petri网检测小灵通双振铃与游子归家的话务循环问题

    Detecting the Interaction of Doth-Ring and Traveler-Go-Home Service by Colored Petri Nets

  6. 一种新颖的BUCK型DC-DC芯片的抗振铃电路

    A Novel Anti-Ringing Circuit for Buck DC-DC Chip

  7. 另外,SDR电阻能减少振铃和线路反射,改善信号质量,使线路终端连接更加容易。

    Additionally , SDRs make LINE termination easier , which improves signal quality by reducing ringing and LINE reflections .

  8. 二阶对象Dahlin控制器振铃的消除

    The Elimination of Ringing in Second Order Dahlin Controllers

  9. 本文分析了振铃检测、DTMF编解码和电力线载波的原理及实现方案。

    This paper analyzes the ring detection , DTMF codec and power line carrier and the realization of the principle of the program .

  10. TBC的数字录音器开始录音,录音时间从电话振铃起到呼叫结束自动停止。

    TBC 's digital recorder will begin recording from the time the phone rings and stop automatically when the call is finished .

  11. 通过振铃检测和DTMF信号解码功能,实现了远程监控和就地数字PID温度控制的功能,给出了仪表硬件、软件设计方法。

    The digital PID control algorithm and remote temperature control technology are realized via the ring detecting and decoding DTMF signal . The design method of hardware and software are given in the paper .

  12. 线路接口和线路接入电路全高纵向平衡的SLIC,振铃继电器和GR-909测试接入功能。

    Line interface and line acces circuit full-feature SLIC with high longitudinal balance , ringing relay and GR-909 test acces .

  13. 它是一种基于DTMF(双音多频)信号的远程智能控制器。它具有振铃检测和模拟摘机,DTMF信号解调和133秒无响应自动挂机的功能。

    It is a kind of long-distance intelligent controller based on the DTMF signal with multiple functions such as shake-bell examination , pick-up simulation , DTMF signal demodulation , hang-up after no - answer , etc.

  14. 对脉冲产生型DDS中输出信号的过冲和振铃进行了讨论,提出了用遗传算法优化脉冲波形以减少过冲和振铃的方法,并用计算机仿真结果进行证明。

    This paper discusses the overshooting and ringing in the output signals in pulse-generating DDS , puts forward the methods to optimize pulse waveforms with the help of genetic algorithm so as to reduce overshooting and ringing , and demonstrates the methods with computer simulation .

  15. 由于各种原因复原图像不可避免地会存在一定程度的Gibbs效应、颗粒噪声及边缘振铃等伪像,为此该文基于边缘恢复和消除伪像提出一种新的正则化图像复原方法。

    For many reasons , the artifacts can not be avoided in restored images such as Gibbs effect , grain noise and edge ring . Therefore , a new regularized approach for image restoration is proposed based on edge restoration and artifacts removing .

  16. 分析了振铃现象产生的本质原因,在改进原有方法的基础上提出一种新的单变量Dahlin控制器设计方法.克服了原有方法的局限,设计的控制器不会产生振铃现象。

    The essential reason causing ringing of controller output is analysed . And a novel procedure for SISO Dahlin controller design is developed . Compared with the conventional methods , it provides an effective method to eliminate the ringing .

  17. 研究认为:电弧声呈现振铃形信号,主要发生于短路结束再引弧时刻,大部分能量分布在10kHz以下频带。

    The research indicates that , the arc sound presents a ringing series of that occurs at the end of short circuit transfer or moment of arc re-ignition , and its energy mostly distributes in frequency band below 10 kHz .

  18. 高灵敏度光谱测量技术:腔振铃吸收光谱

    A spectroscopy with ultra-high sensitivity : cavity ring-down laser absorption spectroscopy

  19. 现有的图像的去振铃效应研究。

    The research of Existing algorithm to eliminate of ringing effect .

  20. 超分辨率处理中振铃现象的分析与抑制

    The Analysis and Suppressing of Oscillatory Artifacts in Super-Resolution Image Processing

  21. 同时也能够减少块效应、振铃效应和反变换过程中的失配等问题。

    Meanwhile , the inverse transform mismatch problems can be avoided .

  22. 一种盲复原图像振铃效应的后处理与质量评价方法

    Ringing effect postprocessing and quality assessment method of blind restoration image

  23. 对接装置主要应用于没有振铃器的电话机。

    Butt sets used to be essentially telephones without ringers .

  24. 关于磁心存储器系统中磁致伸缩振铃的说明

    A note on the magnetostrictive ringing in core memory systems

  25. 该电路具有零电流检测,抗振铃处理等功能,进一步提高了电路的可靠性。

    Zero current detection and anti-ring circuit increase reliability of the system .

  26. 一种基于振铃效应分析的图像锐化取证算法

    An Image Sharpening Forensics Algorithm Based on Ringing Artifact Analysis

  27. 这是一种独立的外部电话振铃器或响铃。

    This is a separate external telephone ringer or bell .

  28. 提出了一种盲复原图像振铃效应评价方法。

    This paper presents a blind deconvolution image ringing metric .

  29. 振铃波抗扰度试验的发展及应用分析

    On the Evolution and Application of Ring-wave Immunity Test

  30. 结合基于梯度的振铃评价算法的总变分最小化图像分块复原法

    A Total-Variation Majorization-Minimization Sectioned Restoration Algorithm with Gradient Ringing Metric Image Quality Assessment