
  • 网络vibration environment
  1. GPS振动环境试验装置的研制

    Development of a Device for GPS Vibration Environment Experiment

  2. 振动环境技术在直升机研制中的地位和作用PDM技术及其在直升机研制中的作用

    The position and rule of vibration environment technology in helicopter developing PDM technology and status of design and development of helicopter

  3. 抗冲击振动环境中LCD显示屏的加固技术

    Ruggedization Technology about the LCD Panel under the Vibration and Shock Environment

  4. 实践表明,多粉尘强振动环境下应用这种转换器可使PLC和继电接触器控制系统的运行十分可靠。

    It has been demonstrated by practice that the handshaking in PLC control system with above-mentioned changer is very reliable in dense-dust and strong-vibration conditions .

  5. 针对可靠性强化试验的RS(repetitiveshock)机全轴随机振动环境3个主要特性之一的多轴同步加载特性开展其疲劳强化机理研究。

    The fatigue enhancement mechanism of a multi-axial simultaneous load character is one of the three primary characters of an omni-axis random vibration environment of repetitive shock .

  6. 试验后器件的几种主要性能均未受到影响,说明器件可承受均方根为6g的随机振动环境。

    After testing the main performances of the device are not affected and acceptable stress of the device is 6g RMS .

  7. 本文介绍一种自行研制的GPS振动环境试验装置,该装置能够为GPS天线提供大位移简谐振动环境,用于校准GPS动态定位性能,也可以对其它试件进行具有类似要求的振动环境试验。

    In this paper , a device for GPS vibration environment experiment is introduced . The device can provide simple harmonic vibration with a large displacement for GPS aerial . It can be used to calibrate the dynamic positioning of GPS .

  8. 直升机振动环境特点分析及环境数据处理系统EVAS简介

    An Introduction for Helicopter Environment Vibration Analysis System

  9. 简单介绍了根据这些特点研制的直升机振动环境数据处理系统(EVAS)及在直升机型号研制中的作用。

    The main ideals of the " Helicopter environment vibration analysis system " which is developed according to those characteristics and the importance of this system in helicopter researching and development are introduced .

  10. 文中在对JDAM系统组成、特点、精度分析的基础上,力图从技术实现的角度对JDAM传递对准技术中的算法选择、时间标记误差、强振动环境检测等重点问题进行深入研究;

    The constitution , character and accuracy analysis about JDAM are discussed in this paper . The paper mainly put its attention on the key transfer alignment techniques employed in JDAM , including the transfer alignment algorithm , time bias estimation , vibration detect etc.

  11. 喷流噪声引起的结构振动环境预示研究

    Foreshowing study of the vibration environment caused by engine jet noise

  12. 随机振动环境对微小型波前校正器性能的影响

    Effect of random vibration environment on performance of miniature wave-front corrector

  13. 工程数据库技术在振动环境工程仿真中的应用

    Application of Engineering Database Technology in Simulation of Vibration Environment Test

  14. 随机振动环境测量数据归纳方法研究

    Study on Inductive Method for Environmental Measured Data of Random Vibration

  15. 振动环境中锌铝/珍珠岩多孔复合材料的阻尼性能研究

    Damping Performance of Zn-Al / Pearlite Porous Composites under Vibration Circumstance

  16. 振动环境试验响应的神经网络预测方法

    Neural network prediction for responses of random vibration environment tests

  17. 随机振动环境中射击的命中率问题

    The problem of shooting percentage of hits under environments of random vibration

  18. 基于可靠性试验的飞机振动环境测试与数据处理

    Reliability test-based measurement and data processing of aircraft vibration environment

  19. 工程因素对结构振动环境试验响应的影响

    Effects of Engineering Factors on Structure Response in Vibration Test

  20. 浅析振动环境中典型电子产品的损伤规律

    Study on the Damage of Electronic Product in Vibration Environment

  21. 非破坏振动环境对粉煤灰混凝土渗透性能的影响

    Effect of Nondestructive Shaking Environment on Permeability of Flyash Concrete

  22. 多轴振动环境试验的技术、设备和应用

    The Technology , Equipment and Application of Multi Axis Vibration Environment Testing

  23. 振动环境质量载荷效应探究

    A Study of the Effect of Mass Loading on the Vibration Enviroment

  24. 打桩振动环境效应的现场监测技术

    Field Monitoring Technique for Environmental Effect after Pile Driving Vibration

  25. 运输车辆振动环境与人体响应的监测研究

    Monitoring of vibration environment and body response on the truck

  26. 运动状态下柔性关节机器人振动环境预测

    Vibration Environmental Prediction of Flexible Joint Robot in Moving State

  27. 随机振动环境下结构的疲劳失效分析

    Fatigue Failure Analysis of Structures under Random Vibration Environment

  28. 机载雷达印制板组件振动环境试验夹具设计

    Vibration Environment Test Fixture Design for Airborne Radar PCB

  29. 基于时-频分析的机载武器振动环境应力研究

    Time-Frequency Analysis of Vibration Environmental Stress of Aero-weapon Systems

  30. 随机振动环境下结构的寿命预估

    Estimation of Fatigue Life of Structures Under Random Loading