
  • 网络Vibration theory;Theory of Vibration;theory of oscillations
  1. 利用振动理论建立了外圈有波纹度的轴承振动响应模型。通过Matlab程序计算,分析了轴承间隙对轴承振动的影响特性。

    Applying the theory of vibration , this research presents a vibration response model of ball bearing with outer race waviness , analysis the effect of radial gap between the ball and the inner and the outer race to ball bearing vibration character by Matlab calculation program .

  2. 根据质心不变原理及振动理论中的相位差原理,附加柔性配重使滑块的一阶惯性力的绝大部分及二阶惯性力的一部分得到平衡。

    In accordance with principles of constant barycenter and principle of phase difference in theory of vibration , flexible counterweight is added to let the greater part of first ordered inertia force and a part of second inertia force of the slider to obtain equilibrium .

  3. 太阳P模振动理论的研究金属材料振动拉伸的实验

    Theory of Solar P-mode Oscillation Experimental Research of Vibration Drawing of Metals

  4. 振动理论的计算机MATLAB仿真研究方法

    Study method of computer simulation for vibration theory with MATLAB

  5. Newton方法在非线性振动理论中的推广与应用

    Extension and Application of Newton 's Method in Nonlinear Oscillation Theory

  6. 大位移井钻柱纵向振动理论计算与ANSYS分析

    Theoretical calculation and ANSYS analysis of longitudinal vibration for the drilling string of an extended reach well

  7. 结构动力分析是振动理论及其应用中的基本问题,本文研究了结构动力分析中特征值问题的并行算法,给出了PVM和MPI环境下微机网络并行计算环境的构建方法。

    Dynamic structural analysis is the basic problem in the vibration theory and its applications .

  8. 分子结构与香气关系研究与Turin新振动理论

    Structure-Odor Relation and Turin vibration theory

  9. 用随机振动理论将目标函数表示成关于阻尼器偏心的函数,继而用MATLAB优化工具箱求得目标函数取最小值时的阻尼器最优偏心位置。

    Based on the random vibration theory , the objective function is expressed as a function of damper eccentricity . The optimum damper eccentricity is found by minimizing the target function with the optimization toolbox of MATLAB .

  10. 根据SU(1,1)Lie代数,建立超微粒子的量子阻尼振动理论,得到超微粒子量子阻尼振动系统的能级和波函数。

    Based on the theory of SU ( 1,1 ) Lie algebra , the theory of quantum damped oscillation for ultrafine particle is discussed The energy level and the wave function of quantum damped oscillation for ultrafine particles are obtained .

  11. 根据弹性薄板理论和振动理论,运用边界元法(BEM)分析了薄板弯曲自由振动的频率特性。

    According to the elastic thin plate theory and vibration theory , a boundary element method ( BEM ) was used to analyze the frequency characteristics of a thin plate in lateral free vibration .

  12. 应用有限元法和随机振动理论计算结构随机振动响应的各种统计参数,采用Miner累积损伤理论预测疲劳寿命。

    Finite element analysis and random vibration theory were applied to calculating the various statistical parameters of its random vibration responses . Based on the responses , its fatigue life was predicted using the Miner cumulative fatigue damage theory .

  13. 根据随机振动理论,采用Davenport风速谱模拟作用在结构上的风荷载,绘制出脉动风速及脉动风荷载时程曲线。

    According to the random vibration theory , the Davenport wind speed spectrum simulation effect of wind load on structures , and map the fluctuating wind load time history curve .

  14. 另外在TSD满足一定的构造条件下,可忽略TSD的非线性,从而可用线性随机振动理论求解结构的受控反应,因此可大大简化TSD的设计计算。

    However , the nonlinearity of TSD can be neglected in case it meets a certain configuration condition and the controlled response of structures can be solved by linear random vibration method . This method simplifies the calcula - tion .

  15. 协作体系斜拉桥竖向自由振动理论研究

    Theoretical study of vertical free vibration of collaborated system cable-stayed bridge

  16. 移动荷载作用下桥梁的振动理论及非线性研究

    Vibration Theory and Nonlinear Analysis on Bridge Subjected to Moving Load

  17. 基于振动理论的水工结构无损检测技术研究

    Study on Nondestructive Testing Techniques for Hydraulic Structure Based on Vibration Theory

  18. 基于随机振动理论的抗震分析方法研究进展

    Advance of seismic analysis methods based on random vibration theory

  19. 结构动力可靠性理论的基础是随机振动理论。

    Random vibration theory is the basis of structural dynamic reliability theory .

  20. 利用摩擦振动理论分析带钢水平振动

    Analysis of dynamics behavior of belt steel mill by rub vibration theories

  21. 本文主要对预应力钢箱梁进行了振动理论分析。

    The paper mainly analyses the prestressed steel box girder .

  22. 离散系统非线性振动理论的一些新发展

    Some New Developments in Non-linear Vibration Theory of Discrete Systems

  23. 振动理论在低应变测桩曲线分析中的应用

    Application of Vibration Theory in the Analysis of Pill Dynamic Test Curves

  24. 用微振动理论确定分子的力常数

    Determining the force constants of molecules by microvibration theory

  25. 非线性振动理论在机械工程中的几个应用

    Some applications of nonlinear vibration theory in Mechanical Engineering

  26. 考虑土竖向波动效应的桩土纵向耦合振动理论

    Study on Soil-Pile Interaction in Longitudinal Vibration Considering Vertical Wave Effect of Soil

  27. 基桩浅部缺陷位置及程度的振动理论分析方法

    An analysis method for the location and degree of shallow defects of piles

  28. 基于振动理论的微惯性测量元件

    Micro Inertial Measurement Unit Based on Vibrating Theory

  29. 本文对随机振动理论振型分解方法进行了讨论。

    In this paper , the modal decomposition technique in random vibration is discussed .

  30. 非线性振动理论中的非线性模态对应原理探讨

    Nonlinear Mode Correspondence Principle in Nonlinear Vibration Theory