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Test System of Low - Cycle Fatigue Crack Growth Rate
Low cycle fatigue crack growth rate in h_2s environments
Effect of Stress Ratio and Loading Frequency on Crack Growth Rate of Corrosion Fatigue
The Conditions of Application of the Paris Relationship to Representing Notch Surface Crack Propagation Pate
New Cyclic J-Integral for Low-Cycle Fatigue Crack Growth
Small and long fatigue crack growth rates , da / dN , are presented against the stress intensity range , Δ K.
Measurement of Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate da / dN by Using Ultrasonic Rayleigh Waves
The effect of microstructure on propagation rate of fatigue crack was investigated by SEM and three point bending specimens with notch .
The effect of the normalized K-gradient C on low or near-threshold FCG rate is examined and a simplified expression is proposed for low and intermediate FCG rate .
The investigation on a growth rate and retardation effect of Z-shaped fatigue crack under constant amplitude loading with a single overload
Parameters of m and C in the formula of Paris are mutually complementary and have small changes with tempering temperature , indicating that are insensitive to microstructure .
Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Weld Metal of Steel HQ-60 Under High Stress Ratio
The test results and analyses showed that the Paris formulas based on plane strain behavior can be applied to practical welded structures with considerable confidence .
The behaviour of fatigue crack growth rate da / dN and threshold of stress strength factor △ K_ ( th ) in axle steel is investigated and calculated .
Influence of Microstructure and Frequency on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Ti_3Al-based Alloy
Effects of fatigue dwell time and solid solu - tion on crack growth rate of PM ren é 95 superalloy at high temperature
As to pre-cracked specimens , the low-brittleness rocks relate to the dimension of crack-tip plastic zone and index b depends on mechanical properties , whereas the high-brittle-ness rock are mainly controlled by the crack propagation rate .
A V shaped behavior was observed in the relation between the maximum applied stress intensity factor and the crack growth rate which is sensitive to the level of applied stress .
Shapes and sizes and that the relations between fatigue crack growing rates and equivalent J integral ranges were not affected by specimens . shapes and sizes .
In region I , the crack growth rate increased with increasing crack tip strain rate . In region II , the crack propagation rate was independence of the crack tip strain rate .
The technique of measurement of growth , rate of fatigue short crack with indirect KC ( IDC ) potential system and AC potential system was investigated .
The fatigue crack closure and fatigue crack growth rate in the high strain region of SCT specimen are studied .
Compact Tension Method ( CT test ) was used to investigate the crack growth behavior of a medium manganese cast steel and accordingly a regression expression for crack growth rate is obtained based on the test data .
The results show that with the increase of the retained Austenite amount , the impact fatigue crack initiation life N I decreases , the crack propagation rate da / dN speeds up .
It results in that the crack propagation rate , ( da / dN ) CF , has a linear relationship with (Δ K - Δ KthCF ) on double-Log plots .
The Dependence of Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate in High strain Region on Crack Tip Opening Displacement
The fatigue crack growth rate ( FCGR ) of 4130X steel in H2S environment is researched in this paper .
Parameters used in present research including the stress intensity factor KI section stress σ net and modified J integral C cannot be directly associating creep crack growth rate of Al / Al-4 % Cu graded material .
Influence of Austenitic Grain Size of P50 Railway Steel on Threshold Value and Crack Growth Rate
The results showed that the small loads with amplitude below 30 % △ P had little influence on da / dN caused by the principal load when they superposed on the bottom of △ P ;