
  • 网络Extended family
  1. 家庭结构从以扩展家庭为主逐步发展到核心家庭,又慢慢开始回归到扩展家庭,包括现在又出现了蜗居族啃老族,这些新现象的产生,是社会发展到一定程度的必然产物。

    The family structure develops from extended family to nuclear family , and return to extended family gradually , it also contains " humble abode family ", " the boomerang kids ", the appearing of these new phenomenon is an inevitable product of the social development .

  2. 基于直扩序列超宽带(DS-UWB)直接序列无线脉冲高宽带传输技术的家庭网络能连接众多电子娱乐设备,无隙缝地扩展家庭无线通信环境,提供互操作功能和多媒体业务。

    By utilizing the impulsive direct sequence UWB ( DS_UWB ), home networks may interconnect various home entertainment devices , provide seamless wireless connectivity in the home , ensure interoperation between different devices and support delivery of multimedia services .

  3. 结果90%以上的家庭自我照顾能力不足,52%的家庭出现中等以上的功能障碍。56%为核心家庭,44%为扩展家庭。

    Results Over 90 % of the families were insufficient in self-care capability , 52 % had the middle dysfunction , 56 % were key families , 44 % were extend families .

  4. 汉代孝伦理教育的社会化促使孝伦理走向社会,由家庭内扩展到家庭外。

    And socialization of filial ethics graduation led the filial ethics to society , expanded to outside of family from within .

  5. 扩展型家庭的存在使风险个体向商业保险公司投保的机会成本发生变化,制约了保险公司的业务发展;

    The extended family makes the opportunity cost of selecting the commercial insurance change and limits the development of commercial insurance .

  6. 如何管理和维护这些参数,开发出一套更有效率,易维护和易扩展的家庭网关是目前研究的热点之一。

    How to manage and maintain these parameters and develop a set of more efficient home gateway is the current research focus .

  7. 现代医疗模式转变的主要标志之一是将以医院为中心的医疗服务扩展至家庭社区。

    One of the chief signs of modern medical model changing is to extend the coverage of medical services from hospital to family community .

  8. 扩展的家庭,通常由两个分开的家庭组成,由孩子们和离婚父母的一方和后来的配偶组成。

    The extended family , usually consisting of two separate households , formed by the children and subsequent spouses of the partners in a divorce .

  9. 网络教育的发展,一方面可将教育由学校扩展到家庭、社区、农村和任何信息技术普及的地域,提高教育社会化的程度;

    On the one hand , the development of e-learning extends education into homes , communities , countryside and any other regions where information technology reaches .

  10. 现有的远程心电监护系统存在难以充分释放医院的专业资源、服务范围有限等不足,将心电监护从医院扩展到家庭,实现远程监护具有非常重要的现实意义。

    The limited monitoring ability and limited serving ability are shortcomings of the existing remote ECG ( electrocardiograph ) monitoring system . It is practical to bring ECG monitoring from hospital to home .

  11. 随着家庭离开他们原来稳定的社区,离开他们多年的朋友和扩展的家庭关系,非正式的信息流动被切断了,随之而去的是对在需要时能获得可靠和值得信赖的信息的信心。

    As families move away from their stable community , their friends of many years , their extended family relationships , the informal flow of information is cut off , and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable .

  12. 可扩展移动式家庭监控装置软件系统研究

    Study on Home Monitoring System of Extendable and Mobile Device

  13. 扩展线性模型在家庭保险消费结构中的应用

    The application of extend linear expenditure system in home insurance consumption structure

  14. 单列向心推力球轴承平向扩展的单核心家庭

    Single row angular contact ball bearing one horizontally extended family

  15. 垂直扩展的单核心家庭

    One vertically extended family

  16. 随着更多数据的公布,这种谨慎将会扩展到内科医生,家庭医生和糖尿病专家。

    As this gets more press , that degree of caution will filter down to the internist , the family medicine physician and the diabetes expert .

  17. 最后,本文认为这些发展对教育技术研究超越教育和课程提出挑战,超越学校扩展到社区、家庭和工作场地;

    Finally , the paper argues that these developments challenge educational technology research to move beyond pedagogy to curriculum ; beyond the school to the community , home and workplace ;

  18. 还提出了依托全媒体把思想政治工作的视野从学校扩展到社会、家庭等领域,形成学校与家庭的联系机制、学校与社会的联动机制和学校内部的合力机制。

    It also produces a new view that broadening the vision of ideological and political work from campus to society , family and other fields to form a campus-family connection mechanism , a campus-social joint-action mechanism and a intramural cooperate mechanism .