
kuò sàn chánɡ shù
  • diffusion constant
  1. 本文研究了流速对扩散常数B、内扩散系数D、阻滞时间的影响。

    It was studied how diffusion constant D , particle diffusion coefficient D and retarding time varied in accordance to different flowing velocities .

  2. 随机磁场中磁扩散常数和Kolmogorov熵计算

    The calculations of magnetic diffusion constant and Kolmogorov entropy in a stochastic field region

  3. 同时用Fick第二定律计算了扩散常数和扩散系数。

    The diffusion constant D / R 2 and diffusion coefficient D were calculated by means of the simplified Fick ′ s second law .

  4. 用静态离子交换法研究了Na型斜发佛石上ZNa+=Cu2+离子交换动力学,分别测定了液膜扩散常数R、粒内扩散系数D和滞留时间τd。

    The Na + - Cu2 + ion exchange on the Na-form clinoptilolite was studied by the batch reaction method . The film diffusion constants R , the particle-internal diffusion coefficients D and the delay time τ d were determined , respectively .

  5. 利用分布函数,计算磁扩散常数和KOLMOGOROV熵。

    The perturbation distribution function can be obtained by solving Liouville equations one by one , and the magnetic diffusion constant and Kolmogorov entropy can be calculated by using distribution function .

  6. 气液界面Marangoni效应对传质系数的影响这种稳定性特性对热边界条件不敏感,但对工质扩散常数、界面温度梯度(Marangoni效应)的依赖较大。

    It shows that the stability characteristics rely less on thermal boundary conditions but can be greatly affected by the Hamaker constant of working fluid and the interfacial temperature gradient , which brings Marangoni phenomenon .

  7. 求出了扭结的迁移率、共振频率和扩散常数的表示式。

    The expressions of the mobility , the resonant frequency and the diffusion constant of kinks are found .

  8. 数值结果指出,用这种方法得到的扩散常数和熵与直接动力学计算得到的非常符合。

    The numerical results show that the diffusion constant and entropy obtained by this method are in good agreement with those of direct dynamical computations .

  9. 数值计算的结果表明,Q值(放电时率和扩散时间常数之比)对材料的放电容量有非常重要的影响。

    It is demonstrated by mathematic calculation that the discharge capacity of insertion electrode depends on the value of Q ( defined as the ratio of discharge hour rate and diffusion time constant ) .

  10. 方法:采用正交试验,对双氯芬酸二乙胺凝胶进行体外透皮试验,以透皮扩散速率常数为考察指标。

    Method : Orthogonal design was used in transdermal test with transdermal diffusion rate constant as selection standard .

  11. 这意味着,自旋扩散时间常数与自旋&自旋弛豫时间常数是很不相同的,虽然这两个相应过程虽密切相关的。

    It means that the spin diffusion time constant is quite different from the spin-spin relaxation time constant , although the two processes are closely related .

  12. 具有扩散项SIRS模型常数平衡解的全局稳定性

    Global Stability on Constant Equilibria of A SIRS Model with Diffusion Terms

  13. 计时电量法求NiCl2(bpy)3在DMF中的扩散系数和速率常数

    Diffusion Coefficients and Rate Constants of NiCl_2 ( bpy ) _3 in DMF Determined by Chronocoulometry

  14. 该吸附可用粒子内扩散模型拟合,常数C值不为0,表明粒子内扩散速度不是Bt毒素在供试胶体表面吸附快慢的唯一控制因素。

    The adsorption kinetic of Bt toxin can be described by the intra-particle diffusion model , however , the value of the contant C was not 0 . This phenomenon showed that the speed of intra-particle diffusion was not the only dominant factor of the adsorption .

  15. 双扩散晶体管中子损伤常数预估初探

    A Pre - estimation of Neutron Damage Constant for Double - Diffused Transistors

  16. 求出了颗粒内有效扩散系数和颗粒内扩散速率常数。

    The effective diffusion coefficient and rate constant of intraparticle transport were calculated .

  17. 我们在实验上还观察到了原子超晶格的岛扩散。蒙特卡罗模拟表明,原子扩散过程决定岛扩散常数与原子数的标度指数。

    In combination with KMC simulation of the island diffusion of atomic superlattice , we show that the atomic diffusion process determines the scaling exponential of the island diffusion constant to the number of atoms .

  18. 对于溶液而言,扩散系数在一定范围内的变化对流体质量浓度分布影响很小,故通常可假设扩散系数为常数。

    But the limit-range change of a solution diffusion coefficient has little effect on the distribution of fluid mass concentration . For this reason , the diffusion coefficient is normally assumed to be a constant .

  19. 通过考察界面迁移距离、扩散层厚度等从动力学角度计算强磁场下有效扩散系数,并且从热力学角度获得强磁场条件下的扩散常数和扩散激活能。

    Based on the distance of interfacial migration and the thickness of diffusion layers , we have obtained the effective diffusion coefficient , the diffusion constant and the diffusion activation energy under various high magnetic field conditions as viewed from the kinetics and thermodynamics of atom diffusion , respectively .

  20. 根据Fick扩散定律和分子动力学方程,IMC的生长厚度与累积测试时间的平方根大致呈线性关系,故拟合计算出了与传统热疲劳结果近似的扩散系数,扩散常数和活化能。

    According to Fick diffusion law , the growth of the relationship of IMC thickness and the square root of cumulative test time is roughly linear , so the diffusion coefficient , and the diffusion constant and activation energy are calculated by the means of fitting .