
  • 网络Extended Instruction Set;Avx
  1. 针对实际多媒体程序和多媒体扩展指令集的SIMD编译优化处理器阵列及其在数值运算与数据库运算中的运用

    SIMD Compiling Optimization for Real-life Multimedia Applications and Multimedia Extensions PROCESSOR ARRAY AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO NUMERICAL COMPUTATION AND DATABASE OPERATION

  2. 本文首先从多媒体扩展指令集和多媒体实际程序两个角度去分析SIMD编译优化的机遇和问题所在。

    This dissertation starts by analyzing of both opportunities and obstacles of SIMD optimization from two aspects : MMEs and real-life multimedia applications .

  3. 论文针对如何提高嵌入式RISC架构微处理器处理对称密码算法的效率展开研究,采用通过扩展指令集ISA来加速密码运算模块的设计思想。

    In order to enhance the performance of dealing with symmetric-key for embedded RISC processors , the thesis has adopted a method of extending the ISA to speed up crypto operations .

  4. Intel?所发布的PentiumIII以上的处理器增加了一些新的指令集:StreamingSIMDExtensions(单指令多数据流扩展指令集,简称SSE)。

    Pentium III and even newer processor , released by Intel ? , add some new instructions : Streaming SIMD Extensions ( A Single Instruction , Multiple Data Streams Extended instruction set , called SSE ) .

  5. 图形处理器使用多流单指令数据流扩展指令集技术。

    GPU uses SIMD ( Single Instruction Multiple Data ) technology .

  6. 其后面是4040处理器(1974发布),其具有扩展指令集、程序内存、寄存器集和堆栈。

    Its successor was the4040 processor ( released in1974 ), which had an expanded instruction set , program memory , register set , and stack .

  7. 对现有密码处理平台进行了深入分析,研究如何通过扩展专用指令集来提高RISC微处理器处理对称密码算法的效率。

    The main contributions of this thesis are given below : The thesis has researched various cryptography processing systems , and then researches how to enhance the performance of dealing with symmetric-key based on RISC microprocessor through extending the ISA .

  8. AT命令包含指令和数据,是一种非常灵活的可扩展的指令集。

    AT command contains instructions and data , is a very flexible and extensible instruction set .

  9. 扩展虚拟机指令集来支持泛型被认为是无法接受的,因为这会为Java厂商升级其JVM造成难以逾越的障碍。

    Extending the virtual machine instruction set to support generics was deemed unacceptable , because that might make it prohibitively difficult for JVM vendors to update their JVM .

  10. 通过扩展密码协处理指令集控制方式设计了一种密码功能扩展方案,为特定密码算法的数据加解密提供了协处理加速引擎。

    Through the control method of extending cryptographic application specific instruction set , a scheme of cryptographic function extension is designed , providing accelerator engines for data encryption and decryption of special cryptographic algorithm .

  11. 多媒体扩展主要利用多媒体程序中广泛存在的SIMD并行性以获得性能加速,加速主要体现在多媒体扩展指令集对小数据类型运算和多媒体程序中常见但比较复杂运算的SIMD支持上。

    The multimedia extension mainly takes advantage of the widely existence of SIMD parallelism in program to achieve performance acceleration . The acceleration is implemented by SIMD instruction sets support for small data type operations and classical complex operations .