
fēn qū biǎo
  • partition table
  1. IPL查询分区表,从而能够加载位于不同介质上任意位置的数据。

    The IPL interrogates the partition table and subsequently is able to load data wherever it may exist on the various media .

  2. 为此,推荐使用-j0(使用dd创建分区表)和-t1(客户机从syslinux恢复预构建的MBR)。

    To achieve this , use-j0 ( use dd to create partition table ) and-t1 ( client restores the prebuilt MBR from syslinux ) .

  3. 可以随时按下“p”预览新的分区表。

    Hit " p " at any time to preview the new partition table .

  4. Windows环境中分区表结构剖析与安全修复

    Structure Analyzing and Safe Repairing of Partition Table in Windows Environments

  5. 如果确定要改变分区表则对询问回答是(yes)。

    Respond yes when asked if you want to change the partition table .

  6. FAT文件系统下硬盘分区表损坏的解决方案

    Solution Scheme of Hard Disks Subarea Form Damages under FAT Document System

  7. 介绍了主引导记录和分区表在Windows环境中的新特性。

    The new features of the master boot record and partition table in Windows environments are described .

  8. 优化“specialfeatures”的使用:带分区表的缓冲插入,用于Identity和Sequence值的大的缓存。

    Optimize the use of " special features ": buffered inserts with partitioned tables , a large cache for Identity and Sequence values .

  9. 为了让Linux能够重新读入该磁盘的分区表,可能需要再一次重启系统。

    An additional reboot may be needed so that Linux can reread the disk 's partition tables .

  10. 我还描述了使用CREATETABLE的PARTITIONBY子句来创建分区表的两种方法。

    I also described two ways to use the PARTITION BY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement to create partitioned tables .

  11. Q:我如何能辨别已分区表上的索引是否被分区?

    Q : How can I tell if an index on a partitioned table is partitioned ?

  12. 如果已分区表包含任何XML列路径索引以外的其他全局索引,重组一个分区会导致整个表脱机

    Reorganizing a partition will put the entire table offline if the partitioned table has any global indexes besides XML column path indexes

  13. 到现在,DB2已得到极大的发展,并大大地增强了那些处理分区表空间的DB2应用程序的并行处理能力。

    DB2 has evolved to significantly enhance the parallel processing capabilities of DB2 applications processing partitioned table spaces .

  14. 与管理只包含关系列的范围分区表相比,管理包含一个或多个XML列的范围分区表的差异并不大。

    Managing a range-partitioned table that includes one or more XML columns isn 't much different from managing a range-partitioned table with only relational columns .

  15. 现在,可以使用NetSearchExtender(NSE)对范围分区表进行全文搜索。

    Full text search of data in range-partitioned tables using the Net Search Extender ( NSE ) is now available .

  16. 在这种并行中,DB2充分利用分区表空间促成的可用I/O带宽。

    In this type of parallelism , DB2 fully utilizes the available I / O bandwidth made possible with partitioned table spaces .

  17. Q:如何计算已分区表(或者任何相关的表)的表大小和索引大小?

    Q : How do I calculate the table and index size for a partitioned table ( or any table for that matter )?

  18. 分区表位于磁盘主引导记录(MBR)之中。

    The partition table is located in the master boot record ( MBR ) of a disk .

  19. 要显示或操纵分区表,您需要是root用户,或者通过sudo命令获得root权限,如本清单所示。

    You will need to be root or have root authority via sudo , as shown here , to display or manipulate the partition table .

  20. 这样,如果您想添加一个分区表名为SALES的空分区,可以执行一个与下面类似的ALTERTABLE语句

    Thus , if you wanted to add an empty partition to a partitioned table named SALES , you could do so by executing an ALTER TABLE statement similar to this

  21. 可以通过执行ALTERTABLE语句并指定ADDPARTITION选项来向一个分区表增加一个新的空分区,使用的语法如下所示

    A new , empty partition can be added to a partitioned table by executing the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD PARTITION option specified ; the syntax used looks like this

  22. 虽然苹果OSX也是基于BSD核心,但它却使用了苹果分区表,而不是磁盘标签。

    Even though Mac OS X is based on a BSD kernel , it uses an Apple partition map and not a disk label .

  23. 这样,仅从它们的分区表GUID区分Linux文件系统和NTFS或FAT是不可能的。

    Thus , it 's impossible to differentiate Linux file systems and NTFS or FAT file systems from their partition table GUIDs alone .

  24. 清单3创建一个包含关系和XML数据的范围分区表,滚出(分离)包含老数据的分区,滚入(附加)包含最近数据的分区。

    Listing 3 creates a range-partitioned table with relational and XML data , rolls out ( detaches ) a partition containing old data , and rolls in ( attaches ) a partition containing recent data .

  25. 在Oracle表压缩中,数据库块中重复的值将被去除,信息将被存储起来,以便在块中重新创建未压缩的数据。下面的例子展示了如何用压缩特性创建分区表。

    In Oracle table compression , duplicate values are removed in a database block , and information is stored to recreate the uncompressed data within the block .

  26. MBR是磁盘上的第一个扇区,因而分区表在其中所占空间不大。

    The MBR is the first sector on the disk , so the partition table is not a very large part of it .

  27. 如果在已分区表上存在类似临时表或者立即刷新MQTs之类的依赖表,第二阶段会在利用SETINTEGRITY刷新了这些依赖表后自动启动。

    If dependents such as staging tables or refresh immediate MQTs exist on the partitioned table , the second phase starts automatically after these dependents are refreshed via SET INTEGRITY .

  28. 采用修改Windows中的注册表和修改分区表中的系统标志两种方法,将重要的分区隐藏起来,使操作者无法访问该分区,从而达到保护软件与数据的安全。

    This paper uses the register table in the windows and systematic symbol in the partition table to hide the important so that the operators will fail to visit this partition to prefect the software and data .

  29. 在Solarisx86系统中,在使用format对Sun分区表进行配置之前,您可能还需要使用fdisk来配置磁盘分区。

    On a Solaris x86 box , you might also need to use fdisk to configure the disk partition before using format to configure the Sun partition table .

  30. 然后着重设计和实现了硬盘格式化数据恢复系统,主要从分区表恢复,Windows下格式化数据恢复和Linux下格式化数据恢复的方案设计与实现三个方面进行详细的阐述。

    What is followed is the focus , that is , the design and implementation of the hard disk formatted data recovery system , including partition table recovery , formatted data recovery on Windows and Linux three aspects in detail .